Finally home!!!

Yeesh, that took FOREVER.

We got to the office at about three. I had to go downstairs and register, and then we waited for a bit, and I went to talk to the genetic counselor. She explained my actual bloodwork results to me….yes, they did specifically come back in the pattern that identifies a risk for Down’s. Normal odds are about 1 in 1,000 for my age, but I’m at 1 in 81. She went through family history and stuff, and we told her everything we knew (Mom was with me, remember).

Then, we waited. And waited. And waited some more. It was nearly 5 by the time I actually went back for the ultrasound. It was incredibly in depth, and the tech explained everything she was doing, and what we were looking for. And yes, I know the gender. I really don’t think there’s any mistaking it…..but we’ll find out for sure, with pretty much absolute certainty, when we get the amnio results back.

But I’m not telling just yet. I know, I’m evil.

Anyway, everything looked great on the ultrasound. The baby is still measuring smaller than what it should be going by my LMP, so my due date may be bumped up to September 24. I’m not changing my ticker though, not until my regular doctor says so.

I think I was definitely feeling the baby kick today. And the ultrasound showed that I REALLY have a little wiggleworm in there….it was moving around and kicking and punching at me. So adorable.

Then the actual doctor came in and took a look for himself, and even he said that everything LOOKS fine and normal.

Then, the amnio. It wasn’t nearly as bad as I was expecting. I felt a little prick, and then another, and then a pinch. And then it was done.

I also had to get a RhoGam shot, as I’m Rh negative, and since the amnio is considered invasive, they had to do it now just in case. I’ll receive another one at 28 weeks.

Now, I’m really trying to think positively, but I still won’t completely be at ease until I get the amnio results back, since there aren’t always identifiable markers that are picked up by the ultrasound…but I do feel more at ease than I have for the past week.

So… to take one more guess as to the gender before I tell y’all?


Make your Doodlebug predictions here!

You can also make guesses at ExpectNet. If the link doesn’t work, the game name is DoodlebugM.

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April 18, 2006

I have a feeling ’tis a boy.

April 18, 2006

I think it’s a girl. :o) Glad to hear things went so well!!!

April 18, 2006

I think its a boy I think you saw a penis. lol Will keep praying. Take Care Sue

April 18, 2006

CRIPES been checking ALL DAY WHEW!

April 18, 2006

Oh and if it is unmistakable it’s a boy….

I say you’re having a girl! *hugs*

April 18, 2006

It has to be a boy!!! I bet I bet…

April 18, 2006

I have been checking this thing like crazy all day waiting for an update! I am going to say… girl. I don’t know. I’m just throwing it out there. lol.

boy. 😉

April 18, 2006

I’m thinking boy. Please tell us! It’s very reassuring to hear that they didn’t even pick up any soft markers for Downs. A woman I know from my Baby Center boards was told during her 1st tri screen that her chances were 1:6, and then the quad screen came back 1:2600. Her little boy is just fine now, but they were terrified till they had the second screen done.

April 18, 2006

Must be a boy, you can’t really mistake something down there for nothing…:) I’m glad it went well.

April 18, 2006

As long as it’s healthy!

April 19, 2006

omg just tell us!!!

Hey you better share what you are having! I told you my baby names WAY before anyone else (Jen too lol). SHARE!!!

April 19, 2006

Gosh you’re mean leaving us like this!! 😉 My guess is it’s a boy.. Right? Right?

April 19, 2006

i keep checking back lol this is driving me crazy

it’s a boy it’s a boy?!!! b/c of the blue?!!!!

that was me, meredith.

April 19, 2006

i think it is a boy because you have blue now, but i also think it is a girl because you are using the blue to trick us!! *begs on hands and knees* please tell us!!!!

April 19, 2006

Stace!!!!!! Does this mean what I think it means?? LOL.

April 20, 2006

I’m saying boy! 😉 So tell us already! ~Sabrina

April 20, 2006

*lol* EVERYTHING IS BLUE NOW TOO?! Either you’re trying to trick us or it really really is a boy! Either way, congrats sweetie!