looong weekend

Oy vey.

So, Jake decided he wanted to head out to Jacksonville Thursday night. Alright, no big deal. I drove about halfway, we stopped for dinner, and then he drove because it was dark and a) I don’t like driving at night very much, and b) my vision was getting a little blurry. We got there at about 11 and spent half an hour trying to get someone to wake up and let us in….no such luck. So we headed over to Granny’s, and Jake’s cousin Jason is staying with her, happened to be awake and outside, so he let us in and we slept in one of Granny’s spare bedrooms.

Friday morning, Granny made breakfast for us, we hung out with her for a bit, then headed over to Daddy’s. Most of the day was pretty uneventful….JR, Louisa, and Dale showed up, I watched Katelyn for a good portion of the day so Dawn could get some stuff done around the house…..

Then Brandi and Chris came home from work, and JR and Louisa’s friend Amy came over with her daughter Avery…..can we say FULL house? Count it, folks…..that’s 13 people. And then Granny came to have dinner with us, so that makes 14.

Saturday started out peacefully enough, for the most part. I was waken up by Dale crying about something or other, but no big deal. JR and Jake went with Daddy to one of his work sites, and Amy came with Avery again and took Louisa, Dale, and Carley with them to see the Easter Bunny, so that left me, Dawn, and Katelyn. I watched Katelyn for awhile so that Dawn could lay down (her allergies were acting up real bad)…..but then Katelyn fell asleep, I got bored, so I let Dawn know that I was taking off and I headed into town. Jake called me while I was in Target, and he had JR drop him off at Arby’s so we could get some lunch. He and JR wanted to go shooting, so we went to Wal Mart so Jake could get some bullets. Can we say madhouse? It was extremely hot outside, so I bought a small kiddie pool and a bathing suit so Louisa and I could hang out outside with the kids.

We get back to the house, and NO ONE would help me with the pool. It needed to be blown up, and I realized pretty quickly that it was bigger than we had thought and it was going to take forever. So, the hot, sweaty, tired pregnant lady is trying to do this all by herself…..I gave up finally, and stuffed it all back in the box and went back to Wal Mart to get a pool that didn’t require so much work. Jake and JR returned because Jake realized he had left his gun in my car. I finally get some help, and it’s all good.

Then Brandi and Chris return from work again. Daddy sits outside with them, and he and Chris are trying to talk to Brandi about something or other. The three of them head into town to get some groceries for dinner. Only Daddy and Chris return. Daddy and Brandi had gotten into an argument, and Brandi made Chris stop the van and she got out. So me being the nice person I am, I throw on a shirt and some pants and go to get her. I tell Daddy I’ll drive her around till she calms down.

We’re on our way back, and she asks if I can stop at Aunt Sandy’s. Sure, whatever. Jake calls me from Chris’ cell phone, telling me that Chris wants to talk to Brandi. So I go inside, and Brandi is in Sandy’s bathroom….I found out later that she was going through all of the cainets trying to find some sort of prescription she could get high off of. Brandi and Chris talk, and she’s trying to get alcohol from Sandy, but Sandy isn’t having any of that. Chris wants to talk to me now. He asks me if I can run Brandi over to Grady’s real quick. I’m starving, but I’m like, ok, whatever. So we’re almost there and Chris calls again, in tears. Daddy’s going off on one of his rants, doesn’t want Brandi back at the house, and wants Chris to take the money he’s been giving Dawn (Chris has been giving Dawn $200-$500 of his paycheck every week to save for him) and leave Brandi (Chris has REALLY straightened himself out over the past few months, unlike Brandi, apparently). I don’t know what the fuck I’m supposed to do, so fnally I said fuck it, we’re going back to the house, you can stay in the car if necessary. Well, Brandi decides to get out and just sit outside. It’s a full house again – Amy’s back over with Avery. Daddy’s walking around being a jerk. Jake, JR, and I are all trying to talk to Brandi and Chris. Dawn gives me $400 to give to Chris. He decides that he and Brandi are going to go stay in a hotel for the night, because Brandi isn’t welcome where he’s been staying. Jake takes them. Chris gives Jake $65, even though we told them we didn’t want any money from them. So we’re considering that to be part of their debt to us paid off.

Sunday morning is insane. Dale keeps waking up screaming and shrieking, and finally, I can’t go back to sleep. Carley’s being a brat. Amy and Avery are back over. Now Daddy doesn’t even want to keep Katelyn anymore (he and Dawn are her legal guardians right now). JR and Louisa get into an argument because Daddy asks them if they’ll take her (they were standing right there when he was going off on his rant; Jake and I were in the other room). JR says no way. Louisa says she can handle it. JR says she can’t, and she bitches that he "doesn’t know [her] limits". Uh….let’s think about this logically. You can’t take care of the kid you have. Amy wants them to watch Avery while she’s in basic training (she’s joining the Army). Does she REALLY think she can take care of THREE kids under the age of three?

Dawn talks to Brandi, wanting her and Chris to come over after dinner so they can all sit down and talk. Brandi turns into a brat and starts making some sort of threats, mostly about killing herself I think. I don’t know what happened after that……Jake and I had had enough and we left.

This weekend was NOT what I needed. I needed a stress free weekend, and I got just the opposite.

I have pictures to share, but they’ll have to wait for probably tomorrow night….I’m just not in the mood for all of that right now.


Hope the rest of you had a better Easter weekend.


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April 17, 2006

ALMOST sounds like mine lol only I stayed home the whole time.

April 17, 2006

Dear Lord! They are all crazy… you poor girl! Well I hope you have a stress-free day today… take a nap and make Jake rub your feet or something! *lol*

April 17, 2006

Yikes! What a crazy weekend.

happy belated easter. 🙂

April 17, 2006

Phew, I’m sorry it’s so stressful. I know how you feel though. I’m stressing about finals and someplace to live next semster and just generally agitated cuz I get to see Mike so soon but so not soon and then everything in my parents’ house is breaking and there’s no money to fix it and blargh blargh blargh.