
So…..I have an interview with Old Navy tomorrow. For a logistics position, no less. I figure hey, it’s just clothes and all that, so nothing too heavy for me to lift, and something like that would allow me to not stand in one spot for too long. So keep your fingers crossed for me!!

I added a link on my front page to the Doodlebug prediction entry, as well as added a link that’ll show up in every entry under my ticker. I’ve also started one of those lovely games on ExpectNet, so go copy your guesses over there, too!

Ha. The local news last night cracked me up. They have a segment called The Edge, which covers entertainment type stuff. So of course they had to talk about American Idol. Some chick that they interviewed off the street was whining about Mandisa getting kicked off last night, saying that you can’t judge the contestants based upon one performance. Uh, hello…..they’ve already collected their votes for their previous performances!! And it’s not like we get recaps of every single performance, and I doubt most people that watch AI have good enough memories to really remember each and every detail from previous weeks!

Anyway. I need to share some pictures….but I don’t have the energy required for all of that right now, especially since my camera is downstairs. I didn’t go to bed until…oh, 5 this morning, because I wanted to be REALLY tired in the hopes that I’d fall right asleep and Jake wouldn’t bother me, but no such luck. And I didn’t do so well trying to sleep after he left, either, so I’m just a very tired girl right now.

And unfortunately, I have a ton of stuff that needs to be done today. Oy vey.


Make your Doodlebug predictions here!

You can also make guesses at ExpectNet. If the link doesn’t work, the game name is DoodlebugM.

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April 6, 2006

good luck with your interview! that’s where allen works 🙂

April 6, 2006

Good Luck with your interview hon

April 6, 2006


April 6, 2006

Good Luck at your interview! =)

April 6, 2006

Don’t mention your pregnancy until after you have the job. They can’t discriminate based on that but it happens. In the job searching stuff I read, it’s really best not to mention family at all . Legally they can’t discriminate but people get away with it all the time. Good luck! It would be fun if you get a job on my last day of work.

April 7, 2006

good luck with your interview, i’ll keep my fingers crossed :o)

April 7, 2006

ryn: Good point. Still, I doubt they directly ask, though they might. Good luck anyways! The discount on clothes would definitely be nice!

April 7, 2006

ryn: Sure, you can take a picture of my hair in. 🙂 Actually, I dyed my hair that dark brown and it faded into this. I’d recommend having your stylist dye your hair a shade darker, because it will fade a bit.