
Well, since I can’t really seem to motivate myself to clean, I figured I’d at least start on elaborating upon my list…..



Lovely trip! It was a bit of a pain actually getting there, because internet directions suck sometimes, but I made it there in one piece! We went to Megan’s appointment, and it was great to be there with her, and to get to hear HER little munchkin’s heartbeat and all that! We went out to lunch, and none of us ate very much of our meal….Megan and I got full pretty fast, and J.W.’s chicken tasted weird…but I did bring my sandwich home so I’d have something for dinner last night (Jake had another second shift yesterday). Getting home was actually a breeze….Wish we could have hung out longer, but hey, not everyone’s a bum like me!


I just don’t understand why so many people in this world have such selfish attitudes. You know, how it’s all about them, and they don’t want to help other people because those people are too lazy to make their own money and take care of themselves…..all kinds of stuff. There are so many people out there that want to privatize Social Security, are dead set against a national healthcare system, want to do away with welfare, Medicare, and Medicaid…the list is just endless. Of course, when you point out that their tax dollars are already paying for other people to use certain services, such as police, they get all indignant and go on and on about how we NEED police, but we don’t NEED the other stuff. Well….maybe YOU don’t need the other stuff, but some people do, and not all of those people are just lazy bums. A lot of those people are just regular people like you and me, trying to make ends meet with a job that pays peanuts, or perhaps they’ve just temporarily fallen on bad times. Regardless, I find it ridiculous that we "help" so many other countries, and yet, we can’t help our OWN citizens. Does anyone else see something wrong with that picture?


I’ve had a headache for about a week and a half straight now. Tylenol and such is only good for a few hours at most. Ah, the joys of pregnancy, right?

Coca Cola 600

We’re considering going to this race again this year. We can’t really afford it, but……sometimes, you need to splurge a little on fun things like that. And I mean, honestly, we live so close to the track now, it’d almost be a sin not to go! Of course, there’s another race at LMS in October, the one that JR and Louisa are going to, but we don’t know yet what Jake’s schedule will be like then, so it’s better for us to go now, when we KNOW he has the day off.


So, we had a meeting with a guy for a business opportunity. It sounds like a good deal, doesn’t sound like a scam to either of us…however, it’s not quite what I need right now. It’s not STEADY income, and with a baby on the way, I need to know how much money I’m bringing in every week, so that I can budget our money accordingly. *sigh*…..so it’s back to the drawing board as far as jobs go.

My current pet peeve

I started posting on a forum for pregnancy a couple of months ago, shortly after I found out about the baby. It’s a great board, and everyone is so helpful…..but what really irks me is the women that post the most ridiculous questions. Yes, I know that not everyone is an expert on pregnancy and all, but some of these questions, I just want to smack these women upside the head and tell them to DO SOME RESEARCH. There is a wealth of information out there, and their question could be easily answered just by visiting a site like BabyCenter or something.

Sleep issues

I’ve been trying to get myself on a more normal sleep schedule, but I’m not having much luck so far. Part of the problem is Jake. I sleep just fine when he’s not in bed with me, but if I try to go to bed after him, I’m left laying awake for over an hour because he moves around so often, and he moves so violently that he shakes the whole bed. And don’t even get me started on his snoring and his nasal breathing! I’ve tried going to bed before him, but he always seems to manage to wake me up when he comes to bed.

My hair

My hair is annoying me to no end. I figured that now that I’m not torturing my hair every day, I wouldn’t develop so many split ends, but they seem to just keep multiplying. I honestly think it’s this weather down here….because I NEVER had this problem in Minnesota! Anyone have some products they can recommend? I’m about to reach the end of my rope on this one. And body hair…..ugh. It all seems to be growing about 500 times faster than it used to….and boy, does it make me itch! It’s extremely uncomfortable…but I’m stuck with that until this kid pops out!


Oy. So, those are my latest rambles for the time being.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


Oh, and Erica….did you get your present yet????

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March 31, 2006
March 31, 2006

Oh…I so don’t miss the pregnancy headaches! Be sure and take care of YOU! Enjoy the pregnancy….it seems to go bye so fast! ~Sabrina

March 31, 2006

It seems like I have headaches all the time. Tylenol does nothing for me.. so most of the time, I just suffer. Totally sucks!

March 31, 2006

RYN: Yay for us small freaks! 🙂 No, it’s not even the quality, it’s the price lol The more money you spend the more love there is. Money = love, ya know? It actually makes me kinda sad that people feel that way. If it’s the PRICE of the rings that matter then I guess even though our rings are permanent they’re still not good enough cause they only cost $50 a piece. Oh well!

March 31, 2006

For hair you might try Herbal Essences Smooting Creme….it comes in a stand up type tube…..green bottle….I like the stuff anyway.

March 31, 2006

Was the meeting for BWW? We had a meeting for that once, but decided against it because although it’s not a scam, it’s also not easy to make money. You really have to work hard at it.