Title, schmitle

I really hate trying to think of titles for my entries.

Anyway. Yesterday was just one of those days. What should have been a half hour trip tops to grab some much craved Arby’s ended up taking two hours. I couldn’t just turn around from the restuarant, and the road I turned on in hopes of finding a good place to turn around at….yeah, didn’t happen. I ended up way out on the west side of town, which is not exactly the best side of town (meaning: GHETTO), and…..yeah. I finally found something slightly familiar and found my way home. But by then I was aggravated, not feeling well, and my headached had grown to monstrous proportions, so I took a nap. When I woke up, I felt like cleaning.

And this is where the part about wanting to smack Jake comes in. I have been asking him for TWO WEEKS to change the kitty litter. The smell was becoming absolutely horrible. So, I decided that since the box was beyond the point of a mere scooping, and needed to be completely changed, I’d be alright if I just took out the whole bag, right? WRONG. I started carrying the bag……and it ripped. Litter, poo, and clumps of pee. All over the carpet. So, not only did I have to clean that up, but I also had to extract items that had been on the floor right where it all landed. Don’t worry, I thoroughly washed my hands afterwards!! But oh, I was pissed. And Jake got an earful of that.

I have a meeting tonight for a potential job opportunity. I’m a bit skeptical, but Jake is going with me as well, and if this works out and all, I could be making 2-3 grand a month. Would definitely help with getting some things paid off before September, and this is also something I could potentially continue on a part time basis after the baby is born.

Ugh, my fingers look swollen today.

Jake should be finding out in a couple of weeks what the whole deal is with that apprenticeship thing. We have plans for that money, if he gets it: the money they’d give him as back pay for part of January, and all of February and March, will be used to pay off two of our credit cards so that they can then be tossed into the lockbox, not to be used unless it’s an emergency. The rest of it (he’d at least be getting it through July, maybe even longer since he’d still be in training for a few months) will be put towards getting his truck paid off that much sooner. If we weren’t so damn broke, that money that we’d then not be using on truck payments would be going towards my car so that it would get paid off faster, but alas, it is not meant to be.

We’re also pretty definite that we’ll be moving once again when our lease here is up. We wanted to stay somewhere for more than a year for once, but we need to cut expenses wherever we can. We’re considering buying a house, if we can find one within our price range, but I’m really thinking we’re going to wait on that. Property taxes in our county are outrageous, so we’re considering looking over in Cabarrus county, which is much more reasonable. He’d have a longer drive to work, but it’s within the allowable living distance, and we’d also be that much closer to the speedway.

Another thing we’re considering……JR is considering going to work for Kellogg, Brown, & Root – for those of you that don’t know who they are, they’re a military contracting company. He’d be going overseas again, but he’d also be making mucho dinero. However, he also wants to move Louisa and Dale out here, because he wants to live here when he gets back (he’d only be doing this for a year or so). Now, JR is a tightwad, so he thinks that rent out here is a bit steep (well, most anything seems steep when you’re currently only paying $450 a month!). We’re considering finding a three or even four bedroom place, and having Dale and Louisa stay with us – of course, they’d be contributing to the bills. I’m iffy on this one…..I want to save as much money as I can, but I don’t know if I can LIVE with Louisa for a whole year. Or Dale, for that matter. I can barely manage them for a weekend!!

We’ll see, I suppose.

Anyway. I get to go see Megan and J.W. tomorrow!! I’m very excited, as I haven’t seen them in over a year, and it’ll get me out of the darn house for something fun, as opposed to just running to the store! Must get to bed at a decent time tonight so that I can get up bright and early tomorrow…..well, bright and early for ME, anyway!!

Anyway, my lovelies, that’s all from me for now. I’ve got some things to tend to before the meeting thing.


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March 29, 2006

I had to tell Adam for a week to change the litter box. He gets so mad when the cats pick a spot and go… well, dummy, if you changed the litter box… we wouldn’t have that problem! lol. men!

March 29, 2006

Do you know the reason you aren’t supposed to change litter boxes? It’s because the doodlebug is vulnerable to the worms and whatever could be in the cat’s feces…so…if you wear gloves and cover your face and wash hands really really good I would think it would be okay…not that you should be forced to do it. The living together thing sounds like a bad idea. You’d all hate each other.

March 29, 2006

I’ve done the living together thing, and while it didn’t work for me and my family, it could work…but it might not be worth the headache. Good luck either way though!