
I am really, really bored, so I’m caving in. Most of you probably already have this list memorized, what with the frequency it’s been appearing…..but….ask me questions based upon the following:

1. Friends
2. Sex
3. Music
4. Drugs
5. Love
6. Open Diary
7. Spouse/SO
8. Kids
9. Past
10. Any random question of your choice


Eventually, I’ll feel clever enough to ask some of these to you guys. But, that time is not now, so for now, I am merely answering.



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March 22, 2006

1. Did you make many friends in the Chair Force? 2. If you had to, which NASCAR driver would you like to have sex with? 3. Is there any song that makes you cry whenever you hear it? 4. What illegal drug would you like to try? 5. All You Need is Love. True, or false? 6. How did you get started with FOD? 7. What are some pet peeves about your husband? 8. Are you afraid of childbirth at all?

March 22, 2006

9. Biggest regret? 10. Do you think pads should have wings?

March 24, 2006

1. Who do you miss most from MN (friendwise) 2. Do you feel wrong having sex while being pregnant? 3. What type of music annoys you? Whats your current “repeat” song? 4. What would be your first reaction if I said yesterday they legalized pot in NC? 5. What made you fall in love with Jake so fast, what about him?

March 24, 2006

6. If OD shut down foreva, where would you go? 7. If you could rewind would you still marry Jake so fast or would you have waited a little bit? 8. What scares you about being pregnant/having a baby? (you cant say $$) 9. What was life like 3 years ago in March? 10. Can I have your blessing to be with Kasey? You’re pregnant now… so… 😉 *runs away*

March 27, 2006

1. a celeb u wish u were friends with. 2. fav position 3. whats your all time feel good song? 4. have you ever tried any? 5. Can love survive all? 6. what are some features you wish OD had? 7. the best/worst thing about jake. 8. will little doodlebug have any brothers or sisters? 9. on moment you could relive/do differently. 10. what came first the chicken or the egg? sry my q’s suck! lol