4 AM rambles

Ugh….waiting for a load of laundry to dry so I can freaking go to bed.

Just finished cleaning the hell out of my kitchen, too.

Last night was good. Can’t beat a good steak dinner and a new episode of The O.C.

Mom is indeed coming down here, sometime tomorrow. May or may not bring Pete.

Which means that tomorrow will consist of more laundry and more cleaning. I despise cleaning. Especially when my back hurts the way it is right now.

But I gotta wait for this load of laundry, ’cause there’s some stuff in there that’ll get all wrinkled if I just let it sit.

Thinking about taking a bath while I wait. Need to shave. It ain’t just the hair on my head that’s affected by pregnancy, it’s the whole package. I can’t go more than two days without shaving, otherwise, I start getting extremely itchy and I get these little bumps, too. NOT fun.

Doodlebug is doing good. Jake is still convinced it’s a boy. I’m not so sure about that one. Anyone else care to take a guess? Think I’ll make a whole separate entry for that sometime this weekend. You’ll have about seven weeks to make your final answer.

Will take some more belly pics soon. It’s been a few weeks. Tried to take some the other night, actually, but they didn’t turn out so good.

Erica – yes, I did get your text yesterday! Sorry I didn’t respond, but I was busy ALL day. Meh. And you did NOT have to get me presents. Heck, Jake didn’t even get me anything. Then again, we agreed that birthdays this year will only consist of a nice dinner.

Yeah, I think I will go take that bath. Might ease the pain in my back a bit.



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March 11, 2006

I am going to be so hugely pregnant by the time my birthday comes around I am sure all I’ll want is a nice foot rub and a nap. LMAO. =P I am glad you had a good birthday. Steak sounds so yummy right now. =)

March 11, 2006

Hope you enjoyed the bath & got some sleep. Have fun w/ your Mom’s visit! :o)

March 11, 2006

Enjoy your bath!!!

March 11, 2006

Oooh, a “Guess the Gender” would be fun. I think I’m gonna do that, too! =)

Have fun, ur gonna feel better after a bath! Don’t tire yourself out from cleaning! I missed the O.C! boo anything interesting happen? LOL! bye bye!

March 11, 2006

Found you on BeautifulMistake’s diary, our due dates are only 2 days apart!!