It was…a weekend. *Big Edit*

Well, actually, I should start out with Thursday. I picked up a few applications to some places around town, and I meant to fill them out this weekend, but I spent most of my time with Jake, so they’ll have to wait. I also got some ADORABLE stuff for the baby from Old Navy…a blanket with a duck on it….a little hat with a duck on it….and this adorable little two piece outfit with a caterpillar on the shirt…it says something on it, but I can’t remember what and it’s all in the bedroom and Jake is asleep so….*shrug*.

Friday, I didn’t get much sleep. I didn’t get to bed till like, 5 a.m., and then I woke up at 9:30. When I finally tried to go back to sleep, Jake called and wanted me to come have lunch with him, and bring him his Wiley X glasses ’cause they were out on the range….well, traffic sucked, so we didn’t have time to go eat. But he gave me his paycheck so I had to come back to the house to get a deposit slip and go take care of that, and being the nice wife I am, I also stopped at the store to get him some more chew (gross!). TRIED to go back to sleep after all of that, and it just wasn’t happening. Then, right around 4, the phone rang and I have no idea who it was or what they wanted, because all of the phones were downstairs and they were rude and didn’t leave a message. So, since I was up, I decided to go ahead and call to make myself a doctor’s appointment….the other guys in Jake’s class that have pregnant wives don’t live anywhere near us, so I can’t get a doctor recommendation that way, so I decided to just go with a doctor that’s right here close to the house. But, I’ll have to call back tomorrow because I got their answering service…they had left at TWO!!! Grrr.

We were going to go to the Toys R Us that was closing down, to see what kind of deals they had on baby stuff, but as it turns out, they were already closed. Boo. So, we went to Ruby Tuesday for dinner. Yummy! There were some annoying people there….this big group of women that were complaining because they were told they’d have to wait for everyone in their party to get there….and then they complained to the manager because the restuarant doesn’t take reservations….ugh. Just obnoxious people.

Saturday, we went to IHOP ’cause Jake was begging me to go. Then, we went driving around for awhile; then found another Toys R Us, but didn’t buy anything. We wandered around the mall for a bit, and then went to Target where we bought a new blender, Walk The Line, and the new Sims 2 expansion pack! We watched the movie as soon as we got home (did I ever mention that we finally got a new DVD player? Five disc player at that.). GREAT movie.

Today…..he watched the Busch race (I didn’t bother ’cause I knew it’d be just as boring as it was last year) and I played The Sims. Went and got us some Quizno’s for dinner (I need to go grocery shopping, otherwise I would have been making food instead of us eating out all weekend!), and then we watched the Academy Awards since Jon Stewart was hosting. Hooray for Reese Witherspoon! I love her.


And that, my friends, was my incrediby mundane weekend.


And since I’m not even remotely tired, I think I’m going to go play The Sims some more.

Hooray, hooray, hooray!!!


I get to go to the doctor…..TOMORROW!!!!!! Yikes, I am so excited. They even have a thing on their website so that I could fill out some of the paperwork beforehand, so I won’t have to be bothered with that tomorrow.

And the lady on the phone was SO freaking nice to me. She even told me a little bit about the three doctors that are part of the practice….one of them is actually out right now on her own maternity leave! Hehe….but yeah, she even double checked with me that the hospital they’re affiliated with is the one I want to go to, and confirmed that as far as matching the dates to that of my last period, I am 12 weeks. I really think I’ll like this office, if the doctors are as nice as the receptionist!

Ooh, I hope, hope, hope they give me an ultrasound. I want to see my baby so bad!!!

And I have to make it through the whole day tomorrow…my appointment isn’t until 4:30!!


AND……congratulations to Megan!!!! I hope everything goes just as smooth as it can for you this time…no one deserves that more than you.


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March 5, 2006
March 6, 2006

Yay Reese! And Crash! Good movie. Is there a base near you? If so, check out Yahoo and MSN groups and see if there is a spouse’s group, join it, and ask for reccomendations. I tried the whole, “go to the place closest to us” for the vet and that guy was awful. Also maybe consider calling your insurance company and see if they can give you any reccomendations- that might be better than nothing.

March 6, 2006

Also I’ve seen somewhere it is a good idea to look at the local hospitals and which hospital you want to deliver at and find a doctor that delivers there. (I know the hospital in STL I want to deliver at if we should be so lucky as to move there-where my mom had Nick. Huge. Extremely Nice. Private rooms.Etc.) I’d still ask the wives too, because some doctors have different offices.

March 6, 2006

JR#(&Y@#H#$&# I shouldn’t have read your entry – I didn’t finish watching the Awards yet!!! Crap. Those women bitched cause Ruby’s doesn’t take reservations?!!?! It’s Ruby F-ing Tuesday, not Ruth’s Chris!

March 6, 2006

Jake chews too? Adam picked up that DISGUSTING habit after he quit smoking recently. I absolutely HATE it. He leaves his ‘spit bottles’ lying around and half the time, he never closes the bottle and they ended up getting knocked over. It’s so disgusting. And I hate the way his breath smells. Ick. I can’t wait for you to get to a Doctor and we can see YOUR baby. hehe. =)

March 6, 2006

YAY!!!!!!!!!!! And congratst to Megan. I am very happy for her. =)

March 6, 2006

I don’t know FOR SURE, but I know I got my hopes up for an ultrasound as well & they didn’t do one…instead i got to answer a bunch of questions the first appt, the 2nd one they did bloodwork but they TOLD me at my next appt I’d have an ultrasound. (& I did). But hey, it would sure be a nice surprise, I know how it sucks waiting!!! lol You just wanna see the little cutie!

March 6, 2006

YAY for tommorrow….I will be waiting for a full report.

March 6, 2006

RYN: I’m off all week. Took off for spring break. I am going out of town Thursday though. Normally, I’m off Mondays and Wednesdays, so come by whenever you like!

March 6, 2006

Yay! I’m sure they’ll give you an ultrasound. I just went Friday – at seven weeks – and they did an ultrasound. It was the NEATEST thing. Oh my god, you’re gonna cry!! We could see the heart beat even though we couldn’t hear it. It was just . . . unbelieveable. Good luck!

March 7, 2006

Yayyyyyy!!!!! I’m so excited to hear how it went!