
Time sure is flying. Seems like it was just yesterday that I found out I was pregnant….but it’s been six weeks. Where has the time gone? Will my baby really be here in just 29 weeks (or maybe a little more or less)?

And am I really going to be 23 in just 11 more days?

Granted, 23 isn’t exactly a huge milestone, but…..sometimes I feel light years older, and then there are the days where it seems like I should still be 18 or something.

I’m not even going to bother with making a list of boys’ names. I started going through the boys’ names on the website I used for the girls, and there were over 1,400 names that started with Aa. Yeah, after going through all of that and only finding one that I even liked – Aaron – I got kind of burnt out. The rest of it was looking to be pretty tiresome, as well. Besides, if it’s a boy, I think we’ve agreed on Noah – for the time being, at least. There are lots of other names that I like, just thinking off of the top of my head, but he seems pretty stuck on Noah, and I do think that’s pretty cute.


I got the NASCAR spring catalog, and oh gosh, am I excited. Two things that I am planning on buying? A Kasey Kahne pacifier and a Kasey Kahne window shade for my car. How freaking cool is that? It just doesn’t get too much cooler, in my opinion.

I nixed the whole WInnie The Pooh theme thing. For one, EVERYONE pretty much has Winnie The Pooh stuff. Not a bad thing necessarily, but, still. Secondly, and most importantly, I want CLASSIC Pooh stuff. NOT regular Pooh. I’ve found a Classic Pooh car seat/stroller travel system, but…it’d cost me over $300 from the ONE website I’ve found it on. I don’t really think that Jake’ll go for that. I’ve also not found a Classic Pooh Pack n Play, so……

Besides, the baby won’t have their own room for quite some time….no sense in having a full out theme if I can’t fully decorate using that theme. Maybe next time…..

Anyway. Boring entry, but I really don’t have much to talk about.



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February 26, 2006

You could always just go with Noah Aaron :o)

February 26, 2006

I love classic pooh! 🙂 Cant wait till you have the baby! Can we hurry this up a lil bit? lol jk. I just had a great idea for a baby gift 😉 mwhaha

February 27, 2006

You can always do what my friend Paige did, and use Classic Pooh colors. Then you can put some Classic Pooh stuffed animals on a shelf or something. It would be way less expensive.

February 27, 2006

Noah was the first name we chose. lol. It is a very cute name. You and I have such similar tastes in baby names. =)

February 27, 2006

I like animal themes cause you can use them for boy or girl. You are so right about Winnie Pooh. I don’t think I’ll ever get Joe to agree on Lyssa Lou but I can call her that even if there is no Lou. I’ll just be happy to convince him alyssa. Alyssa’s are gorgeous and so sweet. It would be fun for us to both have alyssas. And we spell them differently 🙂

February 27, 2006

I like Noah… very cute! Yeah everyone does have the Pooh theme… theres lots of cute other stuff out there though! Have a good week hun!

February 27, 2006

Target has a LOT of classic pooh stuff. I was there the other day and that is almost all they had.

February 27, 2006

whre did my other note go?