
Random fact of the day:


Granny Smith apples do NOT taste as good coming up as they do going down.


Yeah, all of those tests can’t be lying to me. I NEVER vomit unless I’m really sick. Or, apparently, really pregnant.


Must make Jake clean out the litter box tonight. I came back from the store, came up here, and bam, the first thing I smelled was kitty poo. And then off to the bathroom I went to puke up the contents of my morning snack.


I’m sure you all were just dying to know all of this, right? Hehe.


On a completely different note, I’m finally getting rid of my skinny clothes. I obviously won’t be fitting into them again for quite some time, and by the time I do get skinny enough to wear them….I won’t want them anymore. So, since Louisa is nothing but a beanpole anyway, I’m going to offer them to her first. She’s been dressing decidedly more like a girl lately….this’ll just further that process. Now, if only I could get her to wear pink…….


Enough dawdling. I have stuff to do. I want to at least get our bedroom cleaned up today. And I need to finish painting my magazine box.



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February 9, 2006

Yuck! My doctor sent my a list of to do/not to do stuff and on there is said do NOT clean out litter boxes. Didn’t say why… just a random fact! *lol*

February 9, 2006

I love Granny Smith Apples! I eat one every morning. You know what doesn’t taste so good coming back up? Bananas and prenatal vitamins. 😛

February 11, 2006

Hi there. 🙂 I am new to your diary and I hope you don’t mind making a new friend. I have enjoyed what I have read so far. Congratulations on the baby!