The lowdown

Damn. Damn, damn, damn. I REALLY didn’t want to ever have to write this entry. I was hoping I could get away with not writing it, but it’s obvious right now that I need to.

I’m sure that most of you noticed last year that I am no longer friends with someone that I had been friends with from practically my first day here. I’m talking about Stacie. None of you asked me what was going on, and I appreciated that, but it’s kinda hard not to notice when two of your favorites just stop speaking, I’m sure.

I nearly lost another friend to Stacie. And that one’s not really a big surprise, either, you all saw that drama unfolding, too. However, Stacie underestimated the power of mine and Danielle’s friendship.

Ok, let me back up. This all REALLY started when Stacie got into that big drama fest with Kaci that I ended up in the middle of. Afterwards, Stacie created a new diary. I’m sure some of you remember it…..Storyofagirl. Remember, she was pregnant, had a deployed military husband, the works? She came up with that diary as a way to spy on Kaci, is what it comes down to. But she had the NERVE at one point to tell me that it was JEN who created that diary. Yes, Jen, who was her best friend, right? Well, she apparently thought that I wouldn’t think much of that, since Jen and I didn’t get along AT ALL back then. But you don’t talk about your best friend the way Stacie was talking about Jen…..

Jen and I did have an opportunity to start getting to know each other after the whole Kaci fiasco…..those of you that read both of us would probably remember that.

Anyway, some time passes, and the drama with me, Teresa, and Danielle. Stacie got herself mixed up into it, and it was all just not very pretty at all. Teresa and I were on the outs anyway, but let me just say that I’m glad Danielle and I have been able to start repairing our friendship from this fiasco.

And this is when the shit starts hitting the fan.

All of a sudden, Stacie is trying to turn me against Jen. Telling me that Jen found their number online and just started calling her….tried to tell me that Jen was sending emails to her account trying to make her think John was cheating on her…..tried to tell me that Jen was planning on doing the same thing to me, trying to make me think that Jake was cheating on me. Um….yes, and WHY would my husband give a girl MY email address? Just didn’t add up. Hmmm….she also tried to tell me that Jen asked her to find an abortion clinic when she was 4 months pregnant with Max….now, I’m sorry, but we all know that Jen is a smart woman. Does ANY of this sound like something she would do? Turns out that it was STACIE that had planned on sending me those emails. Why she would want to try and screw up my marriage, I couldn’t tell you, but stranger things have happened….


There was also this thing where Danielle and Jen both had…um…lesbian admirers writing diaries about them…..we’re pretty sure that Stacie was behind those, as well.

God, there is SO much more to this story than I could ever get out in words. This is certainly a lot harder than I thought! Let’s just say that I think Stacie is not quite all there….and if you all want to remain friends with her, that is completely up to you, but I don’t want to see anyone else get hurt by her antics. You guys KNOW how close I used to be to Stacie, so for me to be saying this stuff, you’ve got to understand how dead serious I am. I wouldn’t be saying any of this if I didn’t care about any of you, but I do, so I thought it was only fair that you should all know who and what you’re dealing with. She nearly ruined one of the best friendships I’ve ever had, and also nearly prevented another very dear friendship from happening. I just don’t want to see that happen to anyone else. You’re all just as vulnerable as I was…..learn from my mistake.



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February 6, 2006

Well, it’s a good thing I don’t know her then!

February 6, 2006

I knew bits and pieces of what happened but I never knew the whole story. Wow. I don’t know what to say.

February 6, 2006

That’s EXTREMELY disturbing. EXTREMELY.

February 6, 2006

Ah. So many crazies out there.

This is going to come across as very selfish – but I’m glad you have finally seen through her. I was so angry with her for a long time. She took a friendship that was already rocky and used it against you. And. It’s not that I mind having a lesbian admirer. A girl has to get her kicks somehow, but damn. It was CRAZY to find out she had that diary out for me. :p

February 7, 2006

^^^She is hilarious if it makes any of you feel better I love you all

February 8, 2006

she seems awful..

*so confused* I must have missed the drama with her…because I don’t know who she is. I do remember Danielle having a lesbian admirer, though. There are some reallll interesting people on this site. lol

February 11, 2006
