Booooored. (p) *

Yikes, this week has been SO freakin’ boring for me. I’m still not completely adjusted to the fact that Jake’s not here for me to bug if I want to. Actually, he just called me on his lunch break and we were talking about that. Jen, I told him what you said last night about maybe I should just stay on unemployment, and he actually said that maybe that’s not a bad idea. I mean, JR is making like $10 an hour with his job, and he’s only bringing home a little more than what I make on unemployment. I certainly wouldn’t be making $10 anywhere around here, unless I finally did land an office job, so what would be the point? Anyway, so if that’s the plan now….great. Once I get over the boredom factor, I’ll be able to concentrate on all of those little projects I’ve been meaning to do for so darn long…..I’ve already made some headway in a couple of them, such as getting all of our CDs ripped to the computer, and getting all of the pictures scanned in. I do have that scrapbook for Dawn to make, and while I’m making that, I’m also working on making Carley pages for my own scrapbooks. Well, ok, I’ve only got two pages done so far, but still.

We also came up with a new plan. I’m going to start putting like, $10 into our savings account every week. Actually, I can set it up to do that automatically so I don’t forget, so I’m gonna do that when I’m done here. I had wanted to do that to save money to buy things for the baby, because I know that no one else is going to buy us the larger items, like the pack n play and stuff, though I know that my mom and Marissa at least are going to spoil the baby with clothes and toys. I would also like to buy a rocking chair….no clue where I’ll put it right now, but dammit, I want one! Anyway, while I’m certain I can stil manage to save some more money for those items, Jake had a better idea: Use that money for the medical bills. Yes, the insurance will cover the costs of my visits and such, after we pay the co pay of course, but the delivery is going to cost us a bit more (we’ll have to pay the deductible and another co pay, and then we’ll have to cover 15% of the bill that remains after that).

Another idea I had to save money? I’m going to ask JR and Louisa if we can use Dale’s old car seat – the one that we bought them! He’s graduated to a toddler car seat, and I don’t think they’re planning on having any more kids for a little while, so it’s not like they need it right now. And I know that it hasn’t been in any accidents or anything like that. Am I a genius, or what? Hopefully they still have it and the dog hasn’t chewed it up or anything……I had originally wanted to get one of the travel systems with the stroller, but I’m not sure that we’ll need a stroller right away…..I guess we’ll have to wait and see how I feel about that a few months from now.

Oh, and I took some more belly pictures last night. Jen says I’m crazy, but I swear that my belly is becoming rounder…’s not just a blob of fat anymore.

They came out a little blurry, but here you go anyway:

Yeah, ok, that still just looks like fat, right? Meh.

But I swear I’m more rounded when you look at my belly sideways. Don’t mind the fat stretch marks.

Ugh. We went out to O’Charley’s for dinner tonight. That was great, the food was excellent and all….actually, we stuffed ourselves and ended up having to bring half of our food home! But either something didn’t agree with me, or I stuffed myself a bit too much, because almost as soon as we got home, I threw up just about everything.

Actually, I knew it was bound to happen sooner or later….I’ve been feeling extremely nauseous the past few days, like, bad enough to where I don’t want to do anything, don’t even want to move for fear of getting sick. I’ve had to deal with a lot of dry heaving and gagging….


Anyway. I do have another story to share, but in order to get the full effect, I would need to upload some pictures, and I’m really not in the mood for that right now, so you’ll have to wait. In the meantime…ask me some questions. It’s been awhile since I’ve done that, so ask away, ask anything!


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February 3, 2006

It does look like it’s rounding out a bit. I remember I could tell a difference the last time I was pg around 7 or 8wk.

🙂 I’m so happy for you. Um, hm. We need to go baby shopping. When you find out what you’re having, we’ll head up there and do some shopping together. And I’m aiming for a rocker too. They’re about $150 at Walmart. (The softer ones with a stool) Oh, the nights I fell asleep with Lillian in my arms while feeding…how I would have LOVED one of those then. :p

February 3, 2006

I haven’t noticed many changes in my belly. I want desperately to start showing. lol.

aww it does look rounded.

February 3, 2006

gah! i’m still just so excited for you!!!

February 3, 2006

ryn: do you have any clever ideas for me on how to post the pic? dans scanner broke a few months ago. 🙁

February 3, 2006

ryn: that could be a good idea. i’ll have to see what i can do. 🙂

February 3, 2006

YAY the beginnings of a baby belly!

February 3, 2006

I think it looks round, but then, I never saw it BEFORE lol but it looks round.

February 3, 2006

You know, staying on unemployment doesn’t seem like a bad idea at all. It will kind of be the calm before the storm, er, baby. 🙂 You’ll have time to organize and do your nursery, etc. Ah, to be pregnant! 🙂 So, will you be naming the baby Kasey? Hahaha…

February 3, 2006

Do you have a donate to Stace’sbaby fund? 😀

February 3, 2006

congratulations on your pregnancy!!! i am definitely going to add you to my favorites if you don’t mind!!!!

February 4, 2006

Those are great ideas to save some cash! Have you started a registry for the baby yet? Awww what a cute tummy! lol I have to agree with you though, so I dont think your crazy! lol Sorry you got sick, hopefully you start feeling better!

February 4, 2006

Oh, and check out It has tons of free stuff, and I see a lot of baby posts on there as well.