NoJoMo day 24 challenge

nojomo 2 pictures, images and photos

Challenge: For some of us this might be easy peasy. For others maybe not so much. Write a list, and a short bit about everyone you have been in a romantic relationship with.

1. Bobby

When I was in 2nd grade this kid named Joe dared Bobby and I to kiss. We did… and we liked it so every day at recess we would hide in the tires and kiss. I was the only girl at his birthday party and he told everyone that I was his girlfriend. It lasted about 1 month and ended the day that I won a game at his birthday party and all of his guy friends were pissed. I don’t talk to him anymore.

2. Kingsley

It was 7th going into 8th grade. I helped make him feel better one day after he got into a lot of trouble at school. The next week his best friend asked me out for him. Funny thing was I didn’t really like him as anything more then a friend but I felt bad saying no. So we ended up dating. We kissed and he would walk me home from school sometimes but it never went any further then that and I ended up breaking up with him. It took me 8 times to finally get him to accept the breakup since every time I would tell him he would show up at my house again. Months later he told everyone that I was his date to the dinner dane… I had no idea and didn’t even find out about it until the last day of my freshman year. I don’t talk to him anymore.

3. Sheldon

It started at the 8th grade dinner dance but nothing happened over the summer. Then freshman year he asked me to the Valentine’s Day dance and he asked me to be his girlfriend. It lasted 3 months, 3 dates, a lot of making out and a couple times of him walking me home. I don’t talk to him anymore.

4. Francis

It started the summer before my sophomore year and lasted through high school. He was a grade ahead of me and I thought that I was in love with him. We had a lot of rocky times and dated other people around the beginning of the 2nd year but that didn’t last very long and we ended up getting back together. We did the classic high school relationship thing of fight one day and were great the next and then fight and then we were great. It was nice when I didn’t have to worry about seeing him in school after he graduated and I had my senior year all to myself. It was a bad breakup and we never really talked again after it. He tried to apologize for what he did later…. but how can you really apologize for raping someone and expect them to actually forgive you? I don’t talk to him anymore.

5. Matt

The guy that I dated during the break with Francis. He was hott and the first guy that I actively went after. He was a little immature but very nice and very funny. He really was a great boyfriend but I couldn’t put up with his temper and how immature he was. I tried for 6 months but in the end I went back to Francis. I still talk to him when he comes to visit, he is in the Navy so he is gone a lot.

6. Ferguson (Chris)

He was the first real serious boyfriend that I can say I was in love with. We started dating right after I broke up with Francis. The first year was great. The second year we started having problems and his solution was for us to get engaged. We were engaged for a year but I got tired of being the only one working in the relationship, I was tired of fighting, I was tired of the condesending way that he would talk to me. So after 3 years I broke it off.

7. Geoff

When I broke up with Ferguson I started going out with Geoff. He was someone I liked in high school but never had the chance to get with. Our relationship started off well. We had a lot of fun together despite the fact that my father hated him and he and I fought constantly about him. Then he started getting angry and violent. I broke up with him with he threw a cell phone at my head. I still talk to him but only because I am really good friends with his girlfriend. Strange I know.

8. Ferguson (Chris) ~yes…. again~

When he found out that I had broken up with Geoff he wanted to try again. Apparently he hadn’t forgiven me for breaking up with him because he treated me like trash. He cheated on me with girls from the gentlemen’s club that I worked at. He hung out with girls he knew that I couldn’t stand. It was bad. It was very hard to get over him because he was the first guy that I loved. But like I said…. he treated me like trash and on my birthday he asked out this girl I couldn’t stand so I said that we were over. I don’t talk to him anymore.

9. Andrew

I call him my nervous breakdown. He was this punk/goth kid that I was friends with in high school and we were both going through a really hard time and somehow we just ended up getting together. He had a lot of medical and emotional problems. The first couple weeks were great, though he did ask me to marry him after we were together for a

week. Then he started having these crazy mood swings, he would get angry at me about nothing. I tried to deal with it but I just couldn’t. We fough a lot. Then one night I woke up to him holding a gun to his head. He said that if I left him he would kill himself. so I decided to try and work things out. Then a guy I knew from high school sends me a message on myspace with a link to a livejournal. I click it and it takes me to Andrew’s lj and in it are about 2 weeks worth of entries talking about how he doesn’t want to be with me but he doesn’t want to be alone either. About how he wishes that it was his ex Kim laying next to him in bed instead of me, but he is going to wait for either Kim to come to him or me to dump him so that he doesn’t have to be alone. Yeah…. I printed out all the entries, threw them in his face and told him that it was over. Although before I could get all my stuff he packed up all my shit in trash bags and stole my engagement ring from me. I don’t talk to him anymore.

10. Rob

In the midst of all the Ferguson and Andrew drama there was Rob. We started off as internet friends both going through bad breakups/relationships. After a while though we discovered that we liked each other. He was in the Army so he was the first guy that I did long distance with. It was hard and during our 8-10 month relationship we saw each other for about 4 days. We talked online and on the phone but shortly after we met for the first time in person he was deployed to Iraq. I knew that he had PTSD before he left but I didn’t realize how much it was going to change him. And there were other factors that played into it…. I began to think that he was cheating on me. The phone calls and the letters and the emails stopped coming and when I told him that I wanted to take a break and I just couldn’t deal with everything he got violent and verberally abusive and threatening to me. And then the emails, phone calls and letters started back up again with a vengence and I thought it was all to suspicious so I decided to just break it off entirely. He threatened me and my next boyfriend after him and it was just a really bad breakup. We don’t talk anymore.

11. Chris (not the same person as Ferguson) ~the real love of my life~

During the whole Rob relationship I became friends with Chris. We went to high school together and I had a crush on him then but nothing ever came of it. Then I heard years later that he was married and in the Army so we had lost touch. Thanks to myspace we found each other again and started talking. He helped me deal with the whole deployment thing since he was the only one that could really relate to what I was feeling. We talked about a lot of stuff. Then as my relationship with Rob started going down hill fast he and I became closer and closer and eventaully decided that we should be together. We did the long distance thing since he was in NC and I was in NJ so it was hard. We talked on AIM and texts and talked on the phone everyday. He made me feel happier then I had ever been in my life. He showed me what it was like to really be in love with someone who was in love with you. He taught me how a real relationship should be and he was the first guy that I can say that I whole heartedly fell in love with. Totally new and different from the relationship that I had with Ferguson. He was just amazing and we were amazing together. We stuck out the long distance thing and 3 months of dating led to us being engaged and 3 months of being engaged led to us being married. And he is my husband today, the love of my life and I can’t see myself with anyone but him.


Seems like a very long search. Seems like a lot of guys as well but for me to end up with the guy that I ended up with makes all the drama and the anger and the pain and the heartache more then worthwhile. There were good and bad parts to each relationship and I learned and grew through each one. Maybe I am who I am today because of all the shit I had to go through. Who knows. In the end, despite all the bad relationships, I couldn’t be more happy.

And if you read all of this then you deserve a cookie!

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November 24, 2008

what kind of cookie? it was really cool to read all about that, in a way (but not a stalker way) i feel like i know you more. and thats a good feeling, cause you really are a great person! and i am so damn happy for you that im going to cry! (hehe) so much love, m.

tell me a secret

November 24, 2008

i guess i deserve a cookie then. that’s a lot of guys

November 25, 2008

Where’s my cookie? =P J/K I really believe that we all go through hell to find our heaven. Do I completely relate to alot of your situations as I myself have a laundry list of bad relationships and breakups. But it makes us stronger and we go on living knowing we survived and are stronger and more alive b/c of it.