sifting through the debris

I am taking some time for myself this weekend. I have a list of things to get done…. and a lot of internal mulling to do. I am trying to get some stuff done for me… and I know that one weekend isn’t enough time to figure out even a millionth of what I need to figure out… but this is a start I guess.

I wish that I had a beach…. somewhere to run, sit on a rock and stare off into the waves. Lose myself in the rolling water, let my feelings wash over me and just look inside myself. I have thought about driving to the shore…. sitting on the beach and just watching the water… there is just something about the beach, about the water. I can always think so much clearer when I am sitting there, just me and the nature.

There is so much going on inside my mind. I know that I keep saying that. I know that some people are angry with me for what I have done. But I have to do the right thing, I have to do for myself, I have to stand up and realize that I have feelings and thoughts and emotions and I am going to go with them this time. I just have to figure out what they are, I can’t keep tormenting myself like I have been. It is getting to me, mentally, emotionally, physically… it is all taking its toll on me. I am always trying to hold everything in and just run with what other people want me to do. I can’t do that for the rest of my life, I will burn-out before I hit 30. I want to be happy. I long to be happy. Is that wrong?

I don’t know anymore. I just simply don’t know.

I sat awake in my bed this morning…. looking back on my life, looking back on my relationships, looking back on myself. I find myself feeling the same as I did in high school. I still remember walking through the halls, hating everyone, wishing that I could have what they have, yearning for that simple life that everyone else seemed to have. How is it that 5 years later I am still in the same place? How is it that 5 years later I am still in school, still living with my parents, still not married, still no closer to that fairytale dream that I have been longing for since I was small? I am still just as lost. Still just as broken and damaged…. maybe I am immature. Maybe I was never meant to be happy with someone else, but how can that be true? I have wanted my own family since I was small. I dream of having children… I want children now…. but I know that I am not ready. I know that I am nowhere near ready to have a child of my own. I look back on everything…. on everything that my father has told me, everything that my ex Chris has told me, I look back on all of that and I wonder if they are right.

I want to run… screaming at the top of my lungs. I feel like I am breaking down. I can put on this happy facade, smile and laugh and pretend, but I don’t want to pretend forever. I want people to look at me and see me, really see me and see everything that is wrong with me, see everything that is broken and damaged and realize that I am needy and clingy and still be there for me. I want someone that I can talk to… someone that I feel comfortable with. But in reality I would have to feel comfortable with myself first wouldn’t I? And sometimes… most of the time…. I don’t think that I will ever be comfortable with myself. I don’t think that I will ever be ok with the things that have happened, the things that I have done, but more so then that…. I don’t think that I will ever be able to look at myself and see something good. So how can I be in a relationship until I figure that out? How can I be in a relationship with anyone until I can look at myself in the mirror and smile?

Looking at myself only makes me see everything that is wrong. But sometimes I think its important to look back, to really look at yourself and see how you see yourself… a reality check in a way. I hope that one day I can look at myself and be happy with what I see… inside and out. One day….








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October 20, 2007

ryn: I actually played the flute from 3rd grade all the way through high school. I stopped playing since college, so I’m excited to pick it up again.

October 20, 2007

Life has become to phony, fake and idealistic that we can never admire the beauty in ourselves…there is always a part of our heart that stays unfulfilled.. but trust me, as long as you spend a successful day, the life is worth living..30 is far away.. you are only 23.. technically you are stilling immature for next few years.. like a spounge who innext few years, you will see thedifference in your attitude, your thinking, and your emotions..hmmm New jersey has a beach close by, isn’t it? Open Diary suppose to be for ranting no need to hold back..never afraid of being judged and being criticized and being laughed at..because those who care about you always out weigh the ones who hate you.. Children are a blessing but you have to be very patient and dedicated to have kids..until you can see yourself in the mirror and smile 😛 you can’t have just kidding.. take care *HUGS*

I hope in time these things you long for will come. I believe they will.