The Beginning Or The End

Step into the darkness with me

can you protect me and take my hand

will you save me from the fear and set me free

as I walk through this dangerous land

will you keep my heart and hold it safe

because the world is harsh and cruel

or will you crush my heart and make it ache

like it is some lackluster jewel

can we dance on top of the world tonight

fly amongst the sky amidst the stars

so that everything in my heart is right

and all we desire can be ours

or is this dream just that… a dream

am I still falling in the dark

if I open my eyes am I going to scream

am I going to fall apart

will this night be the end

of the girl that fought so hard

or do I have the ability to transcend

to come out on top and unscarred

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This is really good, as usual :] *hug* <3

March 14, 2007

that’s amazing. does it take you long to write something like that? youre words are like.. perfect.

March 14, 2007

ryn: wow fifteen? it takes forever for me to write crap. music must be your muse

March 15, 2007

thanks for your note Your poem is really good… though u don’t need me to say that.. cuz plenty of other people agree with me