I know why you hate me…

Because hate is all the world has seen lately..*sorry quoting a song* anyway…people still suck ther are like a few acceptions.LEmmmme Make their heads swell by naming them;)
1. Jamie..She is the bestest girlfriendy friend ever. πŸ™‚
2.Boomer..Because he is well ha..Boomer. That and he is fantastic and well…Boomer.
3. Mister Inapropriate..He gives me urges to do inapropriate things and instead of tell ing me I shouldnt do it…He encourages me…dammit.
4.Mister Ian. Because he is..him..And him rocks.
5. Dave..Because…well just because..Anyone who watches porn with me and not rub my girlie parts is cool. πŸ˜›
6.daniel.The cute railroader. Because he is witty. Funny and takes my teasing with no hurt feelings. ANd all of that equals fucking awesome.
7.Arejay. Because he kicks ass. ANd entertains me while I am at work.
8.JOhn..Because He..well he watches saraondemand…when I am feeling more much more exibitionistic then even photobucket can cure.
9.Benji..For the whole understands my crazy, Gets my spiritual insanity deal. Benji is dammness cool. πŸ™‚
And then the other Dave…10.Dave..Because..He is artistic like me and a good fella to talk to.
If you arent up there..I just dont Know you well enough.
no offense.
Wanna get to know me?
Im me or something. πŸ˜›

Well Boomer told me to call him and he would come over…so I called him..and he dont wake up well.
I didnt wanna be mean to him..and make him like get up and come over. So I let him sleep.:P
Cz I just cant be mean like that..
Well ya all I am tired..I will write a better entry when I wake up.IF anyone has my number..and wants to call me at 4 pm to make sure I get up feel free…honestly if someone doesnt I might over sleep dammit.

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*head swells* Sara-on-Demand. I like that πŸ™‚ God knows I enjoy the show! Whoo-hoo!

August 29, 2006
