so..I felt like doing this again./boyfriend app.

 A while ago I wrote this out..Rewriting it now 🙂




Hair/eye color:

Do you smoke/drink:

Wear glasses:

Where is your birthmark:

Write two sentences to describe you:

Why do you think you make a good boyfriend?:

Can you dance:

Have any hidden talents:

Give back massages?:

Least favorite thing:

Most favorite thing:

How old were you when you were kissed for the first time?:

Lost your virginity?:

Do you like to argue:

Do you have any habits that the last girlfriend found despicable?:

Have you ever been called a player or a scrub:

What is your job?:

Do you have a car:

Have you ever depended on your girlfriend to take care of you:

Have you been told to grow up most recently:

Do you like oral sex:

Squimish about anything?:

How do you feel about bondage?:


One more question.Do you like me?:


Ok…Any one think of any more questions that I should ask lemme know;)


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I’ve already done this. 🙂

August 10, 2006

hello… have a wonderful ya

August 10, 2006

You must add in whether or not he is a cat or a dog person. For some, that makes a very large difference. I’d go into the science of felines and canines and how they determine personalities in male and female human beings, but I have to go trim my toenails.

August 10, 2006

I’ll just keep adding: How does he drive? Is road rage an issue? Does he frequently accelerate and speed? How well does he take care of his car? There are more, but I’ll let you dwell on those for awhile.