House keeping…and my warped brain.

Well. I signed on yahoo today and I got a message from this guy that I use to talk to online..all day and at one time. Was absolutely in love with him. The only problem was…He lived in England..I still frickin have these wierd feelings about him after all this time..How..Strange.:P
Oh…I have decided something..
Bugs are disgusting.I was at work and I was vacumming the carpetting next to the bathroom in room 402 and this huge roach crawled across my shoe. Well I just about flipped out and started stomping like crap to get it off my shoe and kill it.Then once I succeeded in killing the thing(Or so I thought) I got a piece of cardboard and scrapped it up and Tried to flush it..But when I did that i guess it wasnt dead and tried to climb out of the toilet.
So..I just got a toilet brush shoved it in the water and flushed. Got rid of that icky creature once and for all.
*just realized this makes her sound like an incredible wuss*
Oh well.*shrugs*

SO what will I be doing today? ah yes..Not sleeping.And why? Because my mom has a conference today and my father has To go to school.So itll be my sleep deprived self trying to get my five year old to behave for the majority of the day.At some time today I have to walk to the post office To send some letters and bills out.*Hot topic Wont lemme just mail them a check..F*ck heads..making me mess with a money order…sfsdrethfgs..*Kicks hot topic*

If only there was a hot topic near me…But there isnt *shrugs* and I want this corsett and my hair is turning blackish again so of course I need my hair dye..My black hair annoys me.Fire engine red is just prettier. : )

I think I might Something with oils. Maybe another abstract.*chews on her hair* *ponders*
I have realized that the person I work with…Just got cosmetic surgery. SHe got stomach tucked and back fat removed.
Not sure if I would ever do that.
I mean I hate my fat gut the same as most girls prolly do but not enough to be like..
Hey doc just slice into me.Make me pretty.:(
What is wrong with the way God makes us anyway?

Fuckin media..*kicks the media*
Yeah….I am a hypocrite.*dances*
Anyways..SO I got one application for my boyfriend application filled out..Go me..Fans the application and looks it over..
*hugs him to pieces for filling it out*
He Knows I heart him any way. ๐Ÿ™‚ He didnt even have to tell me he still reads and not to remove him:P
Well so um…I am wearing a flower in my hair:) My friend Jared came to visit me at work. And he gave me a flower. A daisy and right now…I am wearing it in my hair.
Just when I think boys suck Mah Jared  and Mah Dave prove me wrong ๐Ÿ˜›
My neighbor John just walked by.He is a friendly dude. He waves at me every morning ๐Ÿ™‚
I am in a really smilie life is grand sort of mood.
…dances some more..
I cleaned 14 rooms today.Did Nine loads of laundrey.Cleaned all the tile(which is alot of fricking tile lemme tell you) Dusted all the hand rails on the stairs and cleaned all the patio furniture..
You know what?
My butt hurts..Well this entry is long ass. and Yeah I am sure I can ramble some more if ya’ll really want me to.. But I think I shall stop for now..
Anyway..If you are male..And Havent filled out my boyfriend application You should ..It amuses me..Really it does.

I dont really want a boyfriend. But It is nice to know some one is interested ๐Ÿ˜›

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YUCK, I hate bugs to!! *shivers* Creepy!!!

Your butt hurts? What, did you use your butt to do all the dusting? ๐Ÿ˜‰ Hope Bud is easy on you today since you don’t get to sleep.

July 18, 2006

Revel in the smiley mood, they don’t come often enough in this life

July 18, 2006

You seem up beat today, its nice to hear. Thats a lot of room you cleaned, and EWE about the bug, I feel the same way, I freak out whenone is even 5 feet away!!!

July 18, 2006

just made my dad less boring stucck in work