The smell of rain.*been tagged*

I have been tagged. 😛 I don’t get tagged very often* and No…that is not an invitation..*
So here i go I supose.
The first player of this game starts with writing 6 weird things/habits about themselves then selects 6 others to write a blog about their 6 weird things/habits as well as state this rule clearly. After making your list of weird things, pick 6 others. Dont forget to leave a note that says "you are tagged" in their diary.
So..six weird things eh?
( I do alot of wierd things…Six is breezy)
1.When I talk on the phone I like to climb my tree in my backyard. I also climb my tree barefoot.
2.When I get ready to bed I have a routine. I turn my light off then on twice. Fold back my blankets.Take my sheet off my bed.Wrap it aruond my body pillow and rub my feet together four times for each foot. I really have no idea why I do it either..Lol. Maybe Ocd tendacies or something.
3.I really,really can not stand to go through my day without washing my face four times at least.
4.I like to go outside barefoot and stand in mud puddles.
5.I really like to lay on m stomach and look through the trampoline at the ground. I like to count the pine cones that roll under my trampoline.I did this once while talking to boomer on the phone..the same day actually in which I went to west plains with him and wrestled..Lol.*wrestling is my pg version of saying…Dirty master/slave sex.
6.I really like my bathroom to smell really clean. I use bleach in there. So it smells really clean. Have to say..I have been known at the hotel for having the cleanest smelling bathrooms.:P
( and I just want to say…I got alot more of these wierd little things I do..But the rules were six.)
So I tag.
Modern scribe.Distilled_ImagesMonji.Unpredictable,PixiPerfection,and….Mrs. Delahunty. So be tagged now dammit.
..ANYway..Work was ok. I guess as Ok as It can be. I didnt really talk to Boomah loads or
anything. But his ma was in the hospital. 🙁 I hope she is ok. I gotta work with Jamie..I adore her.:P She is great. I showed her the picture that boomer sent me.Her mouth dropped and she just sort of stuttered.Then she said.Woah He is Hot.*laughs*ALot of the other people I work with are really gossipy and hypocrtical so they bug the crap out of me…I hate drama. Yet,Some how it finds me.>Gah.
Yeah…I know he is>:P
Fuckin Fine he is.Sexy beast.Rawr.
So..My tummy is growling. I think I ned to make me some meal or something.

My kitten is playing in the litterbox.Like it is his own little sand box or something.Crazy cat.

Well so I came home and got messages on myspace..From my bro in law and boomah. Fantistico. I adore them both.* In two entirely different ways*
Well off I go to take a bath,wash my face,Eat and talk to mah friend Benji. Peace. and Love and allthat junk my friendlies.Siarai

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July 12, 2006

But but but I don’t have six friends..

July 12, 2006

I already did that one 😉 heh. Drama really sucks.. too bad it always seems to find you..

July 12, 2006

🙂 That’s funny about the mud-puddles. I can imagine driving by your house and saying, “You see that nut…just standing there in the mud?” LOL 😛 J/k