Bah Rambly poetry(real entry back one)

Mybrain.My heart.My feet.

Are yout eyes open? Do I really care.Can you see me?AM I really here?

Is my passionate nature lost on a hike through the cynical tyrant of my gray mass..It pulses and intrudes on any

whimsical feeling.

With a crash.

a boom and a bang.

Whatch out baby..while I do my thang. I gotta itch. It needs to be scratched.

I got an itch..Can you scratch it?

A little to the to the right.

Work up my nerves..So damn tight.

Wetter I get with much rubbing. I feel fit to busting.

Oh you.

Hush your mouth.Such a pretty. mouth.

Let me lick your mouth.

Oh you. Such a silly smile.

You make me feel worth while..

You make me feel.

Do I want this? Must have this?

I am not in love. For this is not love.

In fact I am sure I can never love. Must you..Must you.

Oh you.

Hey I have a suggestion.Simple to the point of perfection. A nail to the wrist

a twist and a break. Give it to me.

I need the pain.

Make it be. A light snack. A cheese and a cracker.

The emotional..Mind fuck hacker.

Tear me up with your fucking words.

Tear me up. Pieces of me falling around like home made confetti on the ground.

Oh I found an empty promise another fabrciated lie.

Can we paint it purple tie it up with string.

If it must be pretty..Can it still be ugly

Oh so very ugly.

Covered up with false pretty.

I found a bottle..Blue and green.If I took two things would be. Better.

If I took three things would be obscene.

Most it all seem so perfect. so fucking perfect. No holes to find.

No mindless mind.

Nothing at all.

Lost for words. Lost.

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