The one..The many

THE ONE (Shakira)


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I signed on today..and I saw a bunch of enteries where people complained..I realized that yes..I was going to do that but I thought about it and yeah..I don’t want to. So I am gonna take a completely different route.

You see I realized that while bad things happen to me. People are not nice to me at work,Mostly people I use to high school with are still stuck in the high school mentality.

But you see there are people that make me happy to be alive.They make me a better person. I need them to wake up in the morning. I think of them when I wake up and because of them I love myself A little more every day.

Lemme give credit where credit is due.

1.My Son:Who can be more perfect, more beautiful and more amazing every day.

2.My mother: The worlds best mother. She has saved my life so many times and I sometimes think what if I was born to a different mother and not her. WOuld I be me? No. I am who I am,Because of this most remarkable woman and I thank God every day I know her and I am a part of her. I love her more then any thing.

3.My father. He is a genius. He is handsome. He is witty and clever. He completes my mothers life. I want a love like that. Every year for their anniversary.He buys her a bouquet of roses. a Rose for each year they have been married.This year itll be 38 flowers. He opens doors for her still and he holds her hand..all the time. Their love is my inspiration. Their faith and trust in each other makes me want to be a better person. Makes me want to find the person that completes me like that.

4. Boomer. He makes me smile at work..and you may think that is a small thing but it makes the night go faster and when I work with those I dont like he makes it a hundred times better. He makes me laugh, I adore him.

5.My online friend Benji. He is clever, and a fun person to talk to.I feel like a open book around him and he moves me. I love talking to him.

6.My grandparents. Talk about another inspiration. They have been married for 52 years. That is just remarkable.They still kiss each other. be sweet to each other.They complete each other.

7 my sister. SHe was my best friend before anyone.She makes me laugh. She is my more cynical version of myself.

8.and many other people.

You see no one thinks of this. they sign on..complain about thier day.

So I tell you this. Turn up this song and think of every person in your life that completes you.That saves you.That indures with you. And remember…

Thank God. Thank God you know these people and after thanking God. Get off this computer and hug them.

Tell them you love them.

Say to them: I thank God I know you and I love you.

Do it now. I am sure they would love to know.


That is my daily rant..Much better then the usual I think.



REMEMBER MY FRIENDS>>YES sometimes life is dark and sucks but at the end of it all…It is incredibly beautiful and if it was not for those bad things you would take for granted all the beautiful people in your life.

adios mi amigos y mi amigas,SIarai

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It’s nice to be able to see the good in your life. I love this song to…it’s downloading now.

June 22, 2006

The picture in my profile is Amy Lee from Evanesence.

June 22, 2006
June 23, 2006

hello, dear siarai, i’m feeling better now, still a bit astonished, but it’s ok thx for the hug.. Now, you’re right, we should thx god and every person here next to us, that makes our life better, just because they exist…. Your parents are lovely and so are your grandparents …. Cool family han…and cool little boy, and boomer, may god keep them all in well being..bless you…

June 23, 2006

That’s a cool thing 🙂 RYN: Unfortunately I couldn’t do that. i did it to myself though, b/c I clicked on the “allow pop-ups” button b/c I was gonna edit properties of a picture. And as soon as I clicked it I remembered that it would refresh the page and lose my writing, but it was too late.