About flippin’ time!

Oops! Almost 2 weeks!

So, Mum is gone. She left last Thursday. So that makes 5 days of her visit that I haven’t yet written about.


On Sunday we went apple picking in the morning with Nick and Stacy. Ashley keeps talking about it. She loves apples. She loved seeing all the trees, all the apples. We got a big bag of apples, some apple butter, and some apple cider donuts that were SO GOOD. They were even better the next day. Stupid delicious donuts, I want more now. I have frozen some apples, sliced up and with a light sugar syrup, so I have them ready for the apple crumble for thanksgiving dessert. I made some apple sauce. We had apple crumble for dessert one day (and I had the leftovers for breakfast the next morning, best breakfast ever!) and Jake has been having an apple for breakfast. We have 2 apples left, so I guess Jake has eats for 2 more days. The cortlands were my favourite. We found a tree that no one had picked from so it was loaded with really big, really ripe apples that took no effort to remove. We didn’t get nearly enough of those, that was the last kind we picked so Jake only got 3 (and I didn’t know they were so awesome so I didn’t tell him to get more).

Sunday evening we went to dinner to celebrate Kristen’s 25th. We got there at 7, but no reservation was made (and Matt and Lisa thought we were going to a different location) and then ordering took ages and the food took forever to get to us… so we didn’t get to eat until after 8. We normally eat dinner at 5 so we were STARVING. Ashley’s bed time is 8, so I was nervous, although she was doing pretty well. I think we got home at 9. I had a bbq chicken pizza but it was LOADED with bbq sauce to the point that it wasn’t good unless I spent ages scraping most of the sauce off, and what’s the point of that? Good to see everyone though.


Monday, Ashley refused to nap. I’m not sure why. She was doing pretty good, so we thought we would go out to dinner, to the Italian place up the road. It is only a 2 minute drive so there wasn’t risk of her falling asleep in the car. Of course, we forgot they are shut on Mondays. So instead we turned around and went to have Mexican in the next town over, and of course Ash fell asleep on the drive. Actually, she fell asleep about 5 minutes before we got there, so she could have had a nice little nap, instead she had a mini nap. I don’t know how, but she was fine when we woke her up, and behaved at the restaurant. She is just awesome. Right after we turned around, we pulled over so I could double check the second place was open (I feel like many places around here are shut Mondays… I may be wrong). We were 3 spots down from another car that was right near the traffic lights. So we were done and pulled out, and waited for the lights for ages. Then the old guy in the other car backed out and almost hit us. And then he accused me of zooming up quickly behind him, rather than the truth being me sitting there and him being an idiot who didn’t look around before backing out. Butthead.


Mum left on Thursday. She was getting picked up by the shuttle, so we only had to go 12 minutes to the hotel where it would pick her up. We got there 20 minutes before the shuttle was meant to leave (they say get there 15 before). The shuttle didn’t leave until 20 minutes after it was meant to pick Mum up. So we were stressing. I had to call the company, and the woman on the phone was so… I think snarky is the word. She really didn’t like that I was calling. Eventually mum left (and we realised we hadn’t explained to Ashley what was going to happen, but she was fine thankfully) and Ashley and I went home. Her nap starts between 12:30 and 1, we got home at 1:20. Thankfully she didn’t fall asleep in the car, so I didn’t have to hang out in there while she slept (or risk her waking up and not wanting to go back to sleep). After nap she looked around for Mama, but I told her she had gone home. Once Ashley knew that Mama had gone home to Pa and Uncle Natey and Uncle Matty, she was ok. She was even more ok when she found one of Mum’s red pens (just a Bic, but she had treasured that the whole time Mum was here) which she carries around a lot. Cutie.

This past week we have done… not much. Adjusted to having lunch here again instead of going downstairs every day. Natey will be here in less than a week and we may be eating downstairs just as frequently for those 2 weeks, so thankfully Ashley is awesome at adapting. So excited for Natey’s visit! Ashley knows what is going on, I ask who is coming to visit next week and she says "Uncle Naney!" which is the cutest thing ever. Actually, her responding to Kerry "Hi yove!" (hi love) and "Hi Nuggin" (hi nugget) is probably cuter, but… yeah, it is all cute.

Almost all the photos are from Mum. Thanks Mum!

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Baby prison! I think North American in general has all the best apples. I keep reading about all the different varieties that aren’t available here and getting a bit jealous. Jealous of apples. Hah! “Hi Nuggin” just about killed me with the cute. ryn: I love you too! And I don’t think any of your notes are dumbly. :p (I’ve decided that dumbly = dumb + crumbly.)

October 11, 2013

She looks soooooo much more like you now.

October 13, 2013

At least now that you know you like Cortland apples you can buy some. I wonder if the apples at LaBonne’s are as good as the pick your own? Especially the ones in the bag. It wasn’t far to the apple picking was it? Maybe you could go with Michael and get some more apple cider donuts too. He he, Ashley and I have matching tops on. And I love that photo of you and Ashley. I missed the kiss but I think this is pretty cute. It feels like an eternity since I was there. And an eternity since I have been here on OD too. Things look different. Giant hugs