Hot cave of moochins.

This is mooshy’s "I just knocked over the tower Mummy built!" face. See?

Monday morning, we FINALLY got the anchor put in the car so I can put Ashley’s new car seat in our car. Finally! I emailed to order the part THREE WEEKS AGO, and that night I got a response saying it had been ordered and would take 3-4 days to get there. I had also been told the installation would take 15-30 minutes, so I was happy to make an appointment around nap time because that isn’t much of a delay. Ashley wanted to nap at almost 10, but our appointment was at 10. We got home after 11:30. This is for a place that is a 3 minute drive down the road, if you have to stop at the traffic lights (which we did). She did so amazing though, because she is awesome. She kept shoving her hand down my shirt but she understood when I would say not now, not yet, soon… I felt so bad making her wait like that. But it is done! Now as soon as I get some time during the daylight, I will go put that carseat in the car. Yay!

Ash has been ridiculously clingy all day today. She didn’t sleep well last night, so I think that might have been part of it. She also napped for a combined total of 3 hours, which is massively more than normal. I had a coffee with lunch because I was dragging (that’s what happens when I only get to rest from 2:30 unitl 7…) and that made me want to exercise. So I put in the Michael Jackson Wii dancing game. I figured Ashley likes to dance, she likes music, she knows MJ music, so she’d probably want to dance with me, or watch while I danced. But no, she wanted to be held. So… I held her. While attempting to play the game. We did that for about 4 songs before I started to die. Then I went to do dishes but Ash just held my legs and cried because she wanted to be held, so I put her in the carrier so she could hang out on my back. We got through the dishes, sweeping, prepping dinner and picking up her toys before I couldn’t support the added weight any more. Pretty good exercise. She didn’t want to let go of me though, so we went for a snuggle on the couch with her afternoon feed, that turned into an hour long nap. That was adorable. We haven’t napped on the couch in many months.

A favourite of mine wrote a letter to her daughter on her 1 month ‘birthday’, which reminded me that I (roughly) wrote one for Ash on her birthday. I have to add more words (I got lazy typing on my phone) but it is similar to the love letter I wrote when she was only a week old. I figure I can keep that tradition up every year. (I was wrong, she was 2.5 weeks old) I will back date it so it appears on her birthday, but I’ll try and remember to link it into this or the most recent entry when it gets written. I will also do the same if I ever get her birthday DITL up. It is taking me FOREVER to get the pictures up, our computer (or possibly our internet connection, but I think computer) makes pictures upload corrupted. I thought it was just photobucket but it happened on Shutterfly too (which super-sucked because I ordered photos from there not knowing they uploaded wrong. Thankfully it was only 2 out of the 100 that I didn’t catch, but still!!)

We’ve decided we are going to get rid of cable. Not until after my Dad’s visit though, because Jake recorded football games to watch with Dad so we’ll wait. It’s only… another month and a bit. Maybe closer to 2 months by the time he leaves. But that gives us time to get stuff organised (like getting a wireless connection so our Wii can get the internet without having to unplug the computer from the internet) and gives us a deadline at the same time, so that’s cool. The only part that I can work out that seems to suck is Hulu not having CBS shows like Big Bang Theory and How I Met Your Mother so we  won’t be able to watch them close to air time unless we do so on the computer and our computer isn’t good for watching things these days. It’s honestly getting slowly not good for much at all. I want a new one, but we don’t NEED one so who knows how long until we get a new one. It’s on the wishlist. Another thing that is exciting about getting rid of cable/getting a wireless connection in the apartment is the freedom to move the furniture around once they are no longer trapped to the corner of the room! Woo!

Title: I asked Ash if I could have a smooching, but that’s not what Jake heard.

Running around the bed.
EDIT: I wrote it.

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February 19, 2013

Aww love her backpack!

February 20, 2013

She is one busy girl.

February 21, 2013

There’s just so much running to do. And so many towers that mummy made to knock down. No wonder this little girl gets tired!

February 21, 2013

At least you can get Big Bang on DVD eventually. Yesterday our Physics teacher was telling his year 12 class about magnetic monopoles. Then for some reason he stuck his head into the office to speak with me, so I told him that the magnetic monopoles didn’t really get discovered – it was the electric can-opener. He looked at me as though he was contemplating getting me locked up until I asked if he watched Big Bang. He had forgotten that episode completely. hehe So then he went back into his class to tell them what I had said.