Really sharp and tangy.

I just spent half an hour on the phone with Nanna and now I’ve forgotten what I was going to say!

We have to go home next Tuesday. I both really don’t want to, and can’t wait. This house has stuff EVERYWHERE whereas our apartment is kind of minimalist (especially in comparison) and I miss not being crowded by stuff. I’m also sick of living out of a suitcase. I don’t want to leave my family though. Or the washing machine. I hate hand-washing/going to the laundromat. I’ll also miss the bath, being able to easily bathe Ashley rather than the annoying fill the baby bath sit on the floor in the kitchen thing we do at home.

Sunday is a day out with Jenn. Although I have no idea what we are doing or how we are going to do it. Ashley has been eating very often lately, and I don’t have a pump here so if I was to leave her alone I’d have to manually express some milk. I’m terrible at that though, can only do it when I’m super full and that never happens with her eating so often. So our "pretend we are single ladies" going out plan is already ruined. Meh, Ash is easy so she’ll be good with pretty much anything I can think of that we would be doing.

Ashley (and my teething necklace) with Candice.

Mum is watching a cooking show and it is distracting.

Ashley learned last night at 3am how to successfully (and safely) get down from the bed. She climbed down, wandered to the bedside table to see if she could get Jake’s deodorant, then came back to the bed and wanted up. Today we spent some time watching The Big Bang Theory in Natey’s room, and Ash spent that time practising her new skill. Hopefully she doesn’t climb off  the bed every time she wakes  up tonight. That would get annoying fast.

Brain words things sleep.

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Ooooh she’s working on being an escape artist. Awesome, and eek all at once. I love how well those pics turned out. Usually I’m the ultimate derpface haha. Also, mind if I chuck ’em up on my fb? I take it hiring/renting a pump from the hospital etc isn’t an option?

January 11, 2013

You can still pretend to be single ladies. You just have to be a single lady with a baby. Ashley will be great, I’m sure. I am also struggling with the stuff everywhere. I know we have a lot of stuff around the place but it isn’t so overwhelming usually.

January 11, 2013

you look beautiful with a tan/burn and Ashley looks so like her Daddy in the picture with you. I miss you terribly and when you are at my house I have a wonderful bathtub for your use and I can take your clothes often and wash them for you not always but often.

ryn: It’s just a section of wall where I put up pictures of me/friends, postcards, concert tickets, quotes. Whatever makes me smile. Like a designated “cheer up, yo” spot. 🙂

January 11, 2013

ryn: Thanks that makes me feel better about it. Yeah it does! Going back home already 🙁 Aw but it seems like it was fun. Such a cute picture btw.

January 13, 2013

Love that top picture of you and Ash. You’re both so beautiful! And yay, Candice!! 😀