Hopeful break

I’m writing on my phone, because someone *pretend-glares in Jake’s direction* turned off the computer. This touch screen is tedious so I’m glad I don’t have much to say today.

Ashley and I didn’t do much today. A little bit of packing. Think I will have to cull her clothes pile a little, but won’t know for sure until I have everything else in the suitcase. I’m acting as though we are only taking one suitcase, if I can fit everything in one, then we are good. Then I will evenly divide the load into 2 suitcases. That way there is plenty of space to bring stuff home. Jake and I are taking 4 tops each. I figure if I get sick of the monotony, I can buy more with christmas money (we already have some). 4 tops for 6 weeks seems like a very small amount. I do tend to wear the same things over and over so it should be good. We have to do laundry this weekend, then I can pack the shirt that is the same colour as this diary.

I had to run to the store for sweetness tonight. Jake and I have gotten a little too used to a touch of dessert after a meal. I got milk chocolate with a raspberry liquid inside, and dark chocolate with a bit of salty caramel in it. I much preferred the dark, which surprised me.

Last night Ash waited 2 hours before fussing. It was wonderful. 2 hours after that and she was in the bed with me (not that I remember that at all) and lucky Jake got 6 hours of solid sleep.

This afternoon, Jake came home to Ashley standing on the couch, laughing hysterically. We were playing peekaboo, but the funny part was when I hid behind the couch. The actual boo she didn’t care about, but when I hid? SO MUCH LAUGHING. It was so wonderful and I was so glad Jake chose then to arrive.

I can’t spell, so I’m done for tonight. I hope you are all doing well.

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November 27, 2012

I forgot! When I put Ash in the bath today, she clapped! It was awesome. (Grr at not bring able to entry-edit on the phone)

Baby laughs are the best. It’s so hard to be sad when there’s a baby giggling nearby.

November 27, 2012

What airline are you flying? Apparently Qantas and Virgin both let you have two suitcases per person, and extra carry-on allowance for infants. Not that you’d necessary want to have to manoeuvre that many bags, but it’s worth double checking what you’re allowed. I think I’m most likely flying over with one and back with two, because my softball coach wants me to buy new equipment on her behalf…

November 28, 2012

I can’t wait to see you.

November 28, 2012

oh gosh. for 6 weeks i’d be bringing at lease 21 shirts. at least. i’m also horrible at packing.

November 28, 2012

I’m well! Love those adorable moments with my little person. Sometimes I can get Rhea laughing hysterically so that she snorts and has trouble catching her breath and it is the best. It seems every month they are more and more fun than they were the last! I’m a notorious overpacker. It’s a bad scene. Kudos to you on four shirts! ~jo