Ashley, you’re such a wax museum
Been busy. It’s quite difficult to get here every day to write, especially when things happen. And it is always those things that I want to write about!!
Monday was disgustingly hot. I think it got to 85F (29 or 30C, I forget) which is just ridiculous. Last week it wouldn’t even reach room temp. Ashley probably liked the warmth, it meant she got to have a bath (well, partially the heat and partially that she kicked a poopy diaper. I like her feet to be clean so I can kiss them) and then got to have some naked time because the apartment wasn’t freezing for once!
As for the night, I’m going to be lazy and post an excerpt from my email to mum yesterday morning…
"Ashley was hot last night. We all were, the day got up to 30 and when we went to bed it was still 20. Such a shock from last week when it got to 18 once and ‘WOW it’s warm!’ and overnights were approaching or at freezing.
We put Ash between us in bed so the fan would be hitting her, it was the only way to get her to settle down. We didn’t have to worry about accidentally pulling the covers over her face or anything because we slept without them. Ashy stayed in our bed until she woke up to eat at 4. I changed her at 3 but she stayed asleep through that.
I didn’t sleep well, I was awake at least once an hour. The parking lot lights stayed on all night because they were painting the lines out there. So it was also noisy occasionally. They started at 9ish and were still going past 1, not sure when they actually finished.
Ash ate at 4 and went to her crib easily, but she woke for more food at 6 and didn’t want to go back to sleep. She woke me up at 7:30 because Jake had placed her in her crib thinking she was asleep. I pulled her into bed with me, covered her legs with the doona and she slept until 10!"
I did enjoy having her in the bed with us, that’s always lovely, but she was kicking and punching me in her sleep (especially after I changed her at 3, I had placed her in a weird spot while I set up my pillows to feed her, and then I didn’t move her thinking she would eat in a minute or so. I was sleeping for that hour on the very edge of our king size bed and she was still booting me constantly!) so that coupled with the bedroom being lit up all night by the parking lot lights meant I was exhausted by morning.
Lisa and Matt came over at midday because they wanted to accompany me to Ashley’s 2 month checkup. Again, lazy time…
"Doctor’s appointment went well. She checked Ashley over, said her head was doing good (I don’t know if that meant her neck strength and ability to hold her head up, or if that meant how last time she told us that the right side was getting flat and we should make her rest on the left side more often).
While we were waiting for the doctor, Lisa was talking to Ashley’s head and I was playing with her feet, and then we noticed that Ash had turned 90 degrees so her head was more toward Lisa and her feet more toward me! Pretty cool.
Ash got one vaccination orally and one in each thigh. Poor little girl, she screamed much more than she did last month, but I think that was because she didn’t get instantly cuddled, I had to wait for the second jab before I could. She was still happy and good before we got to the car.
She has an appointment next month so that her head can get measured again. She was 75th percentile for weight, 95th for height, and off the charts for her head size. Lisa mentioned Jake’s issues so the Dr measured Ashley’s head again (got a slightly smaller result than the nurse did) and so she wants us to go back next month just so we can get a good tracked curve going on. I mentioned that me and the boys had big baby heads too, and she came at me with the tape measure! (I guess my head (and Jake’s) determines Ash’s head size?) Then she ran off and got a chart of head measurements for girls up to age 18. I’m at the top, of course. "
I love Ashley’s doctor, she’s a lovely woman. Friendly and great with Ash, and while she was stabbing my baby she turned to me and asked if I was okay, which I appreciated (I was fine, it doesn’t bother me that she has to get stabbed like that, I just don’t like that my poor little sweetie cries like that).
Ashley is 12lb 5oz and 23.5inches long.
The afternoon was spent with Ashley snuggling me and feeding. Every so often she’d get a scrunchy face in her sleep and looked like she was about to cry, but a quick super-hug calmed her down. I think she was remembering what had happened earlier in the day.
We had pizza for dinner, and then Matt and Lisa left. I love whenever we have pizza, because then there are LEFTOVERS and that makes me happy. I just ate a slice while I was writing the start of this entry. Yum.
Last night I was expecting a fussy little babe, because that’s what happened last month when she got a vaccination. But no, she was great. Went to bed at 11, woke up at 4. The hour from 4 to 5 was a bit iffy, she would eat a tiny bit and then need to be burped so Jake was awake the whole time too. Then eventually she was done eating but still needed to be burped so we couldn’t lay her in her crib. Took forever! Or, it felt like forever because it was the middle of the night. I was SO HAPPY when I woke up at 8:20 to Jake kissing me goodbye on his way to work! Ashley had apparently slept that long too, waking only a few minutes earlier so Jake changed her before he left and warned me that she would need to feed soon. I had time to get up and get dressed/empty my bladder before feeding her. That was fantastic.
Twice today, Ashley was fast asleep on me after eating and I needed to run off to the bathroom. So she got transfered to the floor. It was amazing how long she slept after being moved, it was pretty great. And adorable.
This afternoon, Ashley only wanted to be held, facing outward, and walked around so she could look at stuff. Eventually I got bored of all the things in our apartment (and hot. It’s hard work carrying a baby) so we went outside to look at all the things there. Jake got off work right as we were headingout the door so he hung out with us. We walked around the yard looking at all the flowers and trees. Then we walked around the building, looking at the flowers in front of the restaurant, as well as the cute decorations in the windows. Then finally we went to the grocery-store-next-door to look at all the produce. Ashley really liked that especially, all the bright colours! She got to see lots of people she kind of knows too. We saw Barb and Kelly (a waitress) when they left work. We saw Lisa Cassidy as we were walking around the store, and then we went to Lucille when we were done and wanted to purchase a blood orange (neither of us have had one before, so we got one. We also haven’t had a pomelo, so we might have to try that another day. That was all the fruits they had that we didn’t know) and got a hug. Lucille is totally like Ashley’s "grocery grandma".
Ashley is being, what Jake just called "a vocal master" with her odd crying right now. Earlier, before she started half-assedly wailing, Jake sat down and said my title. Odd people in my family. Me included. Better go whip out a boob, baby is probably hungry.
At the baby shower in January, we got a big money jar shaped like a baby bottle, full of jelly beans. Those jelly beans have finally been all eaten, so we decided this afternoon that it will now be a swear jar, the money going to Ashley (for toys or whatever she wants). Jake just caught me saying the f word twice in a row, so there is already money in there. Of course, I said ‘ass’ not long after that, but we have to determine what are swears and what aren’t, so I’m not paying for that until we work this out. F word is obviously a swear though.
ALSO ALSO, I went over to kiss Ashley, while she’s sitting on her Daddy’s lap, and Jake said when the light hit my hair it looks like I have a few grey/silver hairs. That was when I said "kickass!" …does typing swears count? Ashley doesn’t read this… maybe typing counts once she can read?
Ashley would have enough money to go to any university in the world if I had a swear jar. LOVE the video and can you tell that Matt and I are in love with her? She looks so comfy stretched out on her pillow and it sounds like she loved her outing. Love you all
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I love the swear jar idea. And now I want jelly beans.
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She’s become quite the chunk!!! So cute!
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😀 So much cuteness! Blood oranges are excellent… at least in beverage forms.
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Aw! So much Ashley! Loved this entry! That video was adorable. She’s got such a pretty little face. Hey, you mentioned that you guys are planning on coming to Australia later in the year, yes?
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i haven’t been to your diary in a little while, and i’m surprised to see how big she has gotten!
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Haha the swear jar is a brilliant idea!! 😀
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RYN: Yay indeed!
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Such gorgeous photos!!! And I love the video of Matt and Ashley having a conversation. Isn’t it great that Ash wants to go out and see things. She is such a social little girl.
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She’s a cutie! I need a swear jar – Brendan is always dropping bombs without thinking about it. We’d be rich!
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The good (?) thing about the whole immunization thing with babies is that they won’t remember it and the crying is short-lived. 😀
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ryn: Well, I’m definitely booking you and Jake in for a meet and greet! (please?) I’d love to meet you guys and little Ashley (who will be such a grown up baby by then!) and Daniel would love to meet you guys too (because I often keep him updated on the going-ons of OD :P) Also, as you are someone who is from Australia and now lives in America, what are some things like Tim Tams, Mint Slice, red frogs etc that you miss and can’t get in America? I’m putting together a package for someone and they’ve said, just put anything in, but I don’t know what to put!
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Oh I love the sleepy Ashley pictures! And that younger babies will sleep anywhere, anytime. <3 I’m so used to seeing Rowan’s tiny head (7th percentile, lol!) that any other baby’s seems huge in comparison!!
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I see polka-dot pants! Cuteness! Rhea might get rich if we get a swear jar. :oS ~jo
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