Effigy Salad
I was trying to read my favourites and the list kept updating! Everyone is writing now, so I thought I would too. I don’t like crowds, but internet crowds? Sure.
I haven’t done much today. I was exhausted, and I think I semi-napped while watching Psych. But then I got a call from my insurance asking if I made a dentist appointment (they’ve really been hounding me about that, it’s good… but annoying) and I had completely forgot so I made one as soon as I hung up. Although the problem now is… it’s the day after we do thanksgiving, at 8:30 in the freaking morning. So after a long day of doing stuff (and then probably a late-ish night of cleaning up a bit) I have to get up early again! That’s gonna be fun. When I called the insurance lady back and said I had made an appointment, she said she’ll call me at some point after to see how it went. Why are they so on me about getting my teeth looked at? I guess it is good, I’d probably just say "nuts to that" if left to my own devices. Like other people must. Eh, it’s free, should take advantage of it. Haven’t seen a dentist since… December 08?
Oh, I also organised a complete grocery list for thanksgiving. That was fun. It was actually really easy, apparently I had done it already last year but had forgotten, so when I found the notepad file it was like YAY! I just had to check it over, and now I just have to check the kitchen and see what we have. I can’t rely on my brain like I’m used to, normally I know exactly what we’ve got and what we’ve run out of and such… but lately I’ve been sending Jake to the store quite often because I’ve forgotten to check and we don’t have a KEY ingredient for a meal. Such brilliance, relying on the accuracy of a pregnant brain.
I have to go get blood stolen from me tomorrow morning. Extra fun because the glucose tolerance test is a part of it. Which means sitting around for I think an hour while the sugary drink does its thing. They better not make me wait too long before drinking, I’ll make sure they don’t. I can be assertive if I need to! (which I think honestly suprises people that know me when they see it happen. At least it used to. It’s like how people get surprised when I swear. That amuses me.)
I’m still bursting full from dinner (plus baby), but I want dessert. Why do I always want icecream when the weather is so cold?
The glucose test drink is awful. It’s really syrupy and tastes like super flat soda. So, if you like that, it won’t be too awful for you! Just down it really quickly! And if they give you a choice, try the lemon-lime 😉
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I hated the glucose, I told them to give it to me prior to my apt so when I was done they could do the draw and get out… Ugh. I wanted a milkshake yesterday when the weather was FREEZING!
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dentist appts are especially important for preggo ladies. not exactly sure why, but i think it has something to do with if you need important teeth operations, or wisdom teeth taken out, or other things, it has to be done before you go into labor. don’t quote me on that though, i could be wrong.
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Depending on where the place you go for testing the drink is either a really nasty sugary flat orange drink or its a super fizzy orange drink thats like drinking orange soda but with 3 times the sweetness and 3 times the carbonation.
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Ice cream is the best, all year round!
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Babies take calcium ahead of the mum so teeth and bones can suffer. Teeth are easier to repair. Yay for pregnancy forgetfulness. I think it might be a permanent thing – I still haven’t got my memory back.
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