How do I spell a growly sound?

Today has been so lovely. Just sitting around I got warm. Aaahhhh. I think it got up to 20C here, which is just, mmm.

Operation spring-cleaning-before-spring-hits is pretty much done. I’ve thrown out so much stuff. Cleaned absolutely everything. Very excitingly, I managed to open the window that is behind the desk! That has been stuck shut since we moved here almost 3 years ago. Every so often I try and open it and it never budges, until yesterday. So that was awesome. I wish the cables connecting the internet and cable/tv were longer because I have a great room layout in my head now and it’s not doable. Stupid cable installer guy cutting the cords so short.

Tomorrow we are washing a gigantic bag of clothing and then taking it to GoodWill (3 weekends in a row at the laundromat?! Bleh). And then I am done and the place shall be beautifully empty and nice. Except for the big pile of magazines on the recliner, but that can take a few weeks. I like to read all teh random articles, I learn so much pointless information (and sometimes get amused by the tips for cleaning or grocery shopping or something because it is something that I already do. Haha, suck on that, magazine!)

I thought I had more to say, but I guess not.

How are you?

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March 18, 2011

I’m good, how are you doing?

March 18, 2011

I’m hungry!

March 18, 2011

Also can you just buy longer cables for things?

March 18, 2011

I’m doing well, thank you for asking. Oh maaaan, 20 degrees sounds heavenly. It’s my favorite temperature. Not too hot but nice and warm. :o) ~jo

March 19, 2011

gggrrrrrr gggrrrrooowwwlllllll hehehehe We’ve had 20ish lately too. Today was a little warmer.

Want to come spring clean my house?