If I eat all my skin, will I look weird?
This morning I woke up to a constant leaf-blower noise right outside our bedroom window. I really hate those things. It went on for at least 15 minutes. Of course, once I got out of bed, it stopped. But then it got even worse! A disgustingly strong tar smell infiltrated the entire apartment, even though all the windows were closed. The mean noisy people that have been have idling trucks right outside for the best part of the week were tarring the back end of the next door driveway yesterday and that smelled pretty bad (but the kitchen smelled like very-almost burnt oats which was a much more obvious smell and was better in comparison) but today they were tarring the entrance part so the smell was all over and much stronger.
Jake managed to sleep for another hours through the tar scent, while I got dizzy. I don’t know if it was from the fumes, or from covering my nose and mouth with my glove and/or blanket for extended periods of time, or both… but man, that wasn’t fun. I just wanted to LEAVE but I didn’t trust myself driving, so we were stuck here, breathing in the gunky air. We went for a walk in the late afternoon, and it was so windy, and so nice to get re-oxygenated. I so hope they don’t tar more tomorrow.
Look at Jake’s hair! Proof of the windy.
Yesterday I made oatmeal cookies. Alton Brown made oatmeal cookies with no flour (ground up oats replaced the flour) on tv the night before, so I had a super-strong urge to try them out. Almost burned the oats through the toasting (which I will absolutely skip next time, it adds a nutty flavour and I don’t like nutty flavours so it was a pretty silly thing to do to begin with, but I pretty much always follow recipes word for word when I first test them out.) but they turned out pretty good. Mmm, cookies. I sent more than half down with Jake when he went back to work, and apparently they were very well recieved so that’s awesome. We ate the remaining few cookies for breakfast this morning, dunked in hot chocolate. They make a GREAT breakfast, you can eat a small pile of them and not feel gross like you ate a small pile of cookies! It’s amazing and yummy. Next time they will get chocolate chips though, they needed a touch of sweetness. Maybe. Mmm, cookies.
Mum booked our flights home for christmas!! Yay! We leave on the 28th of November and get home on the 6th of January. Mmm, time with my family… it’s gonna be so much awesome.
Title: I don’t know quite why, but I asked Jake that the other day. I love that he just… accepts my weird.
Ugh I hate that tar smell…it’s horrendous! Those cookies sound awesome! Cookies and hot chocolate for breakfast…mmmm! Yay for Christmas flights! A lovely long visit home :o)
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I’m so glad you get to go home for the holidays! That will be a nice long visit. 🙂
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lol. it is an excellent question. mmmm oatmeal cookies.
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Looks like autumn!
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OD is back!!! *happy dance*
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I hate the smell of tar. One of my youngest memories is attached to that smell.
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Barf! Tar smell is the worst of bad smells. Right up there with skunk. :o( Breakfast cookies? Ouuuuu, now I’m intrigued! ~jo
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