What’s the squishy?

We have donuts. Six of them. Well, it is now four, but it was six to begin with.

These are delicious apple cider donuts that we got from the farmer’s market, from a little stall run by apple people. There are lots of apples and apple jam and apple jelly and other apple related products. But I think we have only ever bought donuts from them. They are good donuts. I was thinking of getting four, but four= $4, and six = $5, so getting six just made sense, you know? My excuse for donut indulgence is I don’t know when the farmer’s market ends this year, but it is within the next few weeks. In 2 weeks it is 6 years since I found the most amusing weird thing in a random diary and enjoyed it so much I quoted it within my own entry. Also known as – our 6 year knowing-of-each-other anniversary. All our anniversaries are in that week, but that is the one that is 6 so that is the one that we are celebrating today and tomorrow via the consumption of donuts.

I have been feeling like old-timey crazy-Sez lately. It is fantastic and crazy-amusing and I just can’t explain any of it. It’s such a pity there is no one here to enjoy my complete confusingness. Maybe I should just write every weird thing I think over the course of a day and BAM. You would probably try and get me committed. Although it is not that weird, but it is weird. If you could go back and read the first year or my diary, and you could get past all the depressive crap, there was so much weird hyperness then too. Actually it should be in the entries that are still totally viewable… eh, I don’t know. I don’t go back in time. I am, after all, FUTURE-SEZ!! No matter where I reside.

I wish I had a way to end this entry but all I can think is "banana-trousers" and that’s not a very good topic to elaborate on.

So instead, I shall leave you with a viney pole of a stop sign.

Title: I tried to ask Jake what the date was. I guess I had the same "post office = lollipop" brain fart, and now date shall forever be semi-known to the brainmates as ‘squishy’.

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Banana-trousers to viney pole… not that big a leap 😛

September 15, 2010

ryn: Ooo pens! and mean toothbrush. Oh remember you mentioned knowing where I could get socks with the toe split down the middle? Where?

September 15, 2010

I just found out you met your man on OD! I’ve been following you for a while. This makes me so happy. Also I want a donut!!

September 15, 2010

The pole could still be related to the banana trousers hehe. Really random weirdness of Sez is awesome. lol…I typed x at first, oops. *points* I BLAME THE POLE. IT’S IT’S FAULT! *runs*

September 15, 2010

Also I want apple donuts! *takes some*

now i want donuts. 🙁

The doughnut high-five is one of the best high-fives there is.

September 16, 2010

hehehe, that donut picture is awesome ’cause you’re givint them *thumbs up*. man, I love how it’s been six years since we’ve known of each other, and we’re still so retarded for one another. so awesomely forever. *FOREVER-LOVE*

September 16, 2010

I am going apple picking on Saturday and I am soooooo looking forward to getting my apple cider donuts!

September 16, 2010

6 years and nearly 4 years of marriage!!!! WOW we will celebrate!!! Those donuts look so good.

September 17, 2010

agjdskfjor=ewajidfsp;;l;fds OH MY GOD COME HERE PLEASE. ;n; I too have returned to crazyass-random-happyhyper-crazy-didImentioncrazy Jan and I need a crazy Sez to unleash my hyperness with. ;_; *lonelyyy- too many normal people around her* I miss youuu. ;n; LOL disappearing donuts. FROM APPLE PEOPLE. It’s like a crazy edible sci-fi story. thoselookdelicious~

September 17, 2010

Btw, your several-kinds-of-anniversaries-anniversary with Jake is JUST THE SWEETEST AND MOST HILARIOUSLY AWESOME THING IN THE UNIVERSE EVER. ;.; So special. You two are the perfect brainmates that even the cosmic alignment of the universe and time knows. XD YES THAT AWESOME. Congratulations to the two of you, and btw: ROFL entry pork XD! UBINGS! <3 *HUUUUGS*

September 17, 2010


September 17, 2010

agklsdfjkdljss In that entry of anniversariness you linked to, I saw you mentioned the uber-cringeworthy PASSIONS. LMAAAOOOO YOU KNOW I USED TO WATCH IT TOO AND FOLLOW IT FOR A WHILE UNTIL IT GOT TOO WEIRD IN THE BAD WAY and then I said “……to heck with this.” D: LOL EW JULIAN/TABITHA EWEWEWEWEWWEWW- *brain implodes*

September 18, 2010

Yay for six years! It’s like the fisrt collision of brainmate! ~jo

You do realize now that you’ll have to send everyone who has read this entry some of those donuts? Yum.

Random thought day is a MUST! I do one every so often and its amuses me greatly.