I just want flavour…!

It half-assedly snowed today. It was too warm for it to settle on the ground, but there was sprinklings on my car, so that’s something. Made me smile. I love winter so much. Well… I love snow so much. It’s so great, so fun to play in and watch fall and all that.

Not so fun when you can’t put the heater on though. But I just put on every warm thing I could find and that made me comfortable.

I had a turkey reuben for breakfasty-lunch today (midday, but I hadn’t eaten anything yet.) It was SO TASTY. Plus, the restaurant downstairs has a working heater system so it was lovely and snuggly warm while I waited for my food. mmm.

Jake keeps telling me how adorably cute I look. It’s because I’m wearing his dressing gown (he called it a bath robe at first.. heh) over all my other clothes. Nuts to a snuggie, this is blanket quality that I can wear and NOT look like a douche! So that’s a double-score.

It really REALLY feels like a Friday tonight. Probably because we had our groceries delivered tonight instead of tomorrow morning. I don’t know why, I felt like a change. Won’t be doing that again. The driver we had wasn’t that great… I could see the truck driving around the parking lot, at least 10 minutes go by before he calls because he couldn’t find the building (probably 20% of the delivery people can’t… I don’t know why. They usually get amused when I tell them to turn their head in a certain direction and look at the red building. Haha, creepy powers!) and then once he showed up he didn’t have all my stuff. Which I didn’t realise until he was gone. Now I have to call some number that I don’t know what it is to get a credit for the gallon of milk that didn’t show up.

I really wish I had something EXCITING to write about.

 I didn’t get my bruise. Stupid ribs. Jake’s theory is that I get bruises for tiny little bumps that I don’t remember because my body is trying to remind me to pay more attention. And that’s why the big painful things don’t make bruises, because they hurt, so I know they are there without the colourful reminder.

Slow night, tonight. I kinda wanna carve a pumpkin. But I’d have to get a pumpkin for that. And a thing to carve with, one of those things that makes it easy that Jake used last year that I don’t know the name of. Yeah, one of those. I hadn’t seen those things before last year, every other time Jake has carved pumpkins it has been with A GIANT KNIFE and I don’t like knives so I’ve never had a go at carving pumpkins myself. Plus, the first year (when I was visiting… I think it was my last or second last night here) he actually stabbed himself with the knife. That was kinda good though, because I didn’t want to go there in the first place, just wanted to sit around and be cute with my boyfriend, and that’s what we ended up doing, just in a different location.

Aww, weren’t we cute? I’m really glad I convinced Jake he should grow his hair, he looks so much betterer now.

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October 15, 2009

Aww, lookit you guys. Wow..he’s like a walking Coca Cola advertisement.

October 15, 2009

But it *is* called a bathrobe! ::laughs:: I like your nail polish in the picture. If I ever grow out my nails long enough to polish them again, I’ll ask you what the name is. ^_^

October 15, 2009

Video responeses would be awesome. You should carve a MJ pumpkin. Aww at you guys in that pic.

Aw, cuteness. 🙂 *

Nooooo….. it’s called a dressing gown!!

October 16, 2009

Awww you guys look so cute!!! Lee Mee xXx

October 16, 2009

RYN: Oooh…I see. That’s incredibly awesome.

October 16, 2009

Hehehe Jake looks like he has a rabbit ear!! And you guys look so cute. I love your long polished nails too!!! Funny that Jake is wearing a cow t-shirt and drinking almost-cow.

Lol, was he a Coke sales-man or something? :oP Hehe, cute photo though!

You can’t turn your heat on? Why ever for? If it’s snowflake weather, you need the warms!

October 16, 2009

ryn: Ooo we had the same idea. Cool beans. Yeah once you get a camera with sound video surveys would be awesome.

October 16, 2009

Ryn that would be amusing. What kind are you going to get? Kodak? Woo Spending! By the way I’m sure you saw on Facebook but I guess they are going to air some new clips from TII (which are also being played on Oprah apparently.)

October 16, 2009

I love carving pumpkins all fancy. The tool you are talking about is probably a pumpkin carver. :o) Is your heat broken? This is a terrible time of the year to have a broken heating system!~jo

October 16, 2009

You tottaly scored an awesome man. 🙂 Woo camera tomorrow. I missed most of the Oprah footage but someone on shamone recorded it and I keep watching TWYMMF and Human Nature over on Youtube.