Radio the potato in the sky city!

The other day I went to do the dishes. Got the dirty dishes out of the sink, and discovered something ever so creepy. I had no idea what it was at first, but googling proved it was a centipede. Makes me shudder to think about. Why was it in my sink!? Ew. Very ew.

I feel…. hbjrtebjhtejklb.There is a new song being released at midnight. This Is It. At first I was all OOO! YAYNEWSONG but then discovered it is an old song that they just added stuff to because it’s title was fitting. But it is from an era of MJ music that I ADORE (well, yeah, I like it all, but I am particularly fond of the music done under the name The Jacksons from the late 70s) so that’s also awesome. Reminds me of when One More Chance was released. Which makes me think of hittren. And going to the cd store with a giant symbol of support scrawled on my hand … why must the only 2 single "releases" I am this aware of be surrounded by such sad conditions? Yargh


I don’t know what else to say. But I must.

This weekend has been lovely and relaxing. We’ve done nothing but relax. Much snuggly under blankets on the couch and at bedtime. I love the cool weather. So so glad we have multiple blankets because I don’t know when the hot-making-machine will be functioning again. Blankets are awesome, and cheaper, which is always nice.

I wish to wrap myself up in many blankets and be a burrito-sez. But then how would  I sit up and type? And laugh? And I certainly wouldn’t be able to sleep. I always had difficulty sleeping as a wormy. Although that was back in the day of sharing a single bed with a giant man, so I’m sure there wasn’t much proper sleep at all. So glad we have a bed the size of a small nation now.  It’s a bit big, but we shared a single bed for… 1 + 6 + 1-2…. a good portion of a year.

and… michael jackson crashes a part of the internet again. 🙂

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haha your blanket thing reminded me of this:

i absolutely HATE those bugs! i shriek like a girl and run everytime i see one. they give me nightmares. ahhh. *shudders at the thought of them.*

October 11, 2009

ick. Centipedes. *shudder* I used to play with them as a kid, but now I can’t stand the thought of them!

EWWW :S its like a spider cross silverfish cross centipede!!!! I prefer the aussie ones, nice little black worms with legs that curl up to help you remove them. They only bad thing they do it stink…

The centipede probably crawled up through the drain…we’ve had that happen :oP

October 11, 2009

Michael crashing the net lol. Centipede 🙂 That was fun.

October 12, 2009

ewww centipedes are so gross! you should do project 365, it’s really fun 🙂

Ah yes, centipedes. An American staple. *gags*

October 12, 2009

I haven’t seen a centipede in years, but the ones i remember are long and reddish with shorter legs. The little black ones animalian is referring to are millipedes. We have a lot of them. Blankies!!!

ew ew ew at the centipede. “hot-making-machine” sounds kinda naughty 😛

October 12, 2009

You should get a snuggie!

October 12, 2009

Yeah you definitely need a Snuggie! 😀

Being a burrito is fun. It’s especially more fun when you lay the blanket out on the floor first and then roll up in it. 😀 *

October 12, 2009

ryn: Twas. Done. *giant squishy hugs back*! lol Yeah it still would. Haha mental image of Rebbie floating up out of your drain singing that! You and Jake: O_O You: Why is Rebbie comeing out the drain? *Rebbie floats up till she’s standing in front of you guys singing* Jake: Iuo. Guess we won’t have to worry about a blocked drain anytime soon. You: Nope. Yay! and you all dance and groove.

yeah, we have those house centipedes here at our place too…. they’re nasty and they freak me out!

October 12, 2009

ryn: Aw ty. 🙂 and ros is all 🙂 hehe goldfish and ooo and yes it would! of cousre if I had telepathy. Or teleporting. But one day we’ll meet and probably watch on DVD yes? Soon Yay! 🙂

October 12, 2009

ryn: yes 🙂

October 13, 2009

ryn: Yeah grr at sony hehe camera fed fries 🙂