My ears are tired!

I feel the need to write. It’s Wednesday, after all, and I haven’t written an entry since Friday. That’s too long. Bad Sez.

I was going to post a survey the other day but it’s too hard to answer and so I need some time to sit down and focus on that to answer it properly and I have better things to do with my time while Jake is at work. And I can’t concentrate when Jake is here, because duh, there is a Jake here and that’s always distracting In the best way.

The house smells like "open window scent" cleaning stuff. It’s odd, and I wouldn’t have described it as such myself. It smells more like… something got cleaned. The windows are open though. There has been strong breezes all day long so I opened all the windows as wide as they go in order to take advantage of the fresh scent of autumn. Yum.

Speaking of yum, yesterday we made a very yummy spicy soup with butternut squash and other things that I forget what they are but are tasty. Soups are awesome. Except I’m not in the mood for soup. But I can buy delicious awesome rolls from the store and eat oen of those soaked in soup and that is a way better way to consume it. I tried those rolls with other things once, they didn’t work. Tasted GROSS. But with soup, oh man, they are amazing. I don’t know what it is.

I’m making brownies tomorrow. But shhh, that’s a secret. We’re going out to dinner with Jake’s mum, to celebrate 3 years of my being here and married to her son. And I like to use her visits as an excuse for brownies. I don’t think she minds at all. Heh.

I love milo. I love putting it on cereal. It turns regular tasty cereal into a delicious chocolatey experience of tasty. Growing up mum wouldn’t let us have coco pops, just rice bubbles. So I’d put milo on it and mmm…awesome. (Pretty obvious what I’m snacking on right now, yes?)

I must take my camera when we go for a walk later. There are SO MANY pretty and awesome things I see every day and I need to capture their image before they aren’t so pretty anymore.

My left ear is being a mild whore lately. It’s full of gunk, and on that side my ear canal is very tiny so it blocks very easily. I tried to work out on the Wii Fit yesterday and every time I had to balance in some way I toppled to the ground. Even once I was aware of why. Today, it is just hard of hearing.

I’m really confused now… a song is playing that I didn’t think I had anymore. I was really confused when I couldn’t find it the other day, and yet right now it is playing! … silly computer hiding things from me.

Outside was so pretty today. Everything was massively colourful and the sky was dark and it was just… yay

I love this photo, it’s gonna be my next background picture.

I wish I had something else to say, but I’m being too entertained by another corner of the internet. The internet has corners now. It’s like… one of those shapes with many sides. See? Unintelligible Sezzie!

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October 7, 2009

ryn: LOL silly Sez 🙂 Woo party post lurk! Ooo soup. Pretty picture.

October 7, 2009

Like a decagon? That is a very pretty picture. I like it muchly. I had to stifle a LOL when I read that your ear was being a “mild whore” because Lizzie is here and she would want to know what I was laughing at. She’s very christian and I don’t swear around her so I’m not sure how she would react to me using the word ‘whore’. Having her around is very good for my not swearing!~jo

those look like some pretty ominous clouds! did you try making butternut squash fries yet?? basically all i do is cut the squash into french fry shapes and brush them with olive oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper and bake them for half an hour or so (turning once) at about 425. YUM.

October 7, 2009

Wait! It’s a hecatommyriagon!!!~jo

October 7, 2009

ryn: CARNE ASADA. GO MEAT! Hi *waves*

October 7, 2009

I will keep the secret about the brownies, no problem because I will devour them all so no evidence See you soon.

Speaking of Yum would be an awesome title for your autobiography. =)

Dude, now I have to make soup. 😀 I hope your ears feel better soon! *

October 8, 2009

ryn: lol they were thirsty?