I’m sick of summer. It keeps weirding me out too, I’m not used to summer being in July. It should be cold. Although, I do enjoy December etc being very cold… Obviously I need to just avoid the hot months.
It’s so hot here… our milk went off. In the fridge. It wasn’t even old! And…. the freezer isn’t making things covered in ice anymore, so I think there is a problem. Pity today was wednesday, as Russ-the-landlord works wednesdays and that would’ve made it easier to tell him about the silly coldenator.
But ooh! There is free icecream in the freezer! Better eat that. Hmm…. maybe that’s why the icecream was so soft and awesome the other day? It was half melted!
Today I took advantage of no longer having something hangign over my head, something I had to do but didn’t want to. So I played Sims 2 for many hours. Twas fun, although.. I am doing a challenge that is a single dad getting abducted repeatedly (when men get abducted, they get alien pregnant!) and raising all the kids alone. Of course, the last 2 were twins. I think that would’ve been easier at the start. I hope I’m done with the challenge soon, because I don’t think my computer can handle much more.
Must. Eat. Cold dairy. (….it’s soup! Uh oh… we have a massive amount of chicken in the freezer, we only just stocked up!)
its cold here back in aus. ill soak up the winter sunshine for you *hugs*
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It is so weird to think of it being cold this time of year anywhere. It’s mind blowing!
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Aww that sucks about your fridge! Can you go use the restaurant’s fridge? 😉
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i hate summer! haha hot weather in july seems too strange
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OH MY! I want to play Sims!
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Oh crud, methinks you need a freezer repair. :oS Alien pregnant? *titter*~jo
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Oh, yay! I’m glad you were able to save your stuff.
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Connecticut gets THAT hot? I would have thought they had a mild summer…good luck! *
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RYN: Oh, I could see how that could get rather annoying. Since I live in Georgia, I very rarely have felt the experience of “dry heat.” Either way, I’m sorry it’s been so unbarable! Go swimming? 🙂 *
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