Take them to the hobo olive garden

 Time: 9:30am

Hours left: 23.5

That first half hour always zooms by. All I did was read and note all my fellow OD blogathoners. (I like that word better than blogathonians)

I’m having trouble, I tried to take a picture of me looking all bright eyed (I don’t, I look exhausted) but I am now almost blind from the flash. And I’m already having trouble typing. Woo!

I have no idea why the picture wanted to be so…. long looking.

I’m actually going to be productive this half-hour! Awesome!

My title… I asked Jake if he transported hobos or something. Something that sounded really mean and evil to hobos, so then I added that he takes them to the place of never ending soup. And breadsticks.

I should have breakfast.

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THANK YOU! 🙂 You too! *

July 25, 2009

Crazy cool! 🙂