Edible sloth-monkey

We watched Lenny the Wonder Dog tonight. It was… not as bad as I was expecting. Craig Ferguson played the villian, which is the reason we got it. He really was what made it as amusing as it was.

Up until a few days ago, I hadn’t heard non-fans refer to Michael Jackson as MJ. It was always something else. Yesterday I called the local Borders to make sure they had the Time magazine that is purely MJ (they did! I have!) and she made me repeat what I was after. And then when I told her, she was all "oh! MJ!" and it just… I wish I could explain how odd that sounds to my brain.

Jake had …kinda like fish fingers, only not fingery… that was his dinner. And he had it with a combo of mustard and sweet chilli sauce. I have no idea how he mixes flavours like he does. Even the good sounding combos that he does just overwhelm my mouth.

I’m making a bunch of sugar cookies tomorrow. Shall be fun. And then I get to ice them in 3 different colours. Yay star-cookies!

My legs are speckled with bites and bruises. Which is odd, I don’t normally bruise…

It’s been a week.

I still feel raw.

What do I want to eat next week? Grocery lists suck.

I’m doing the Blogathon this year. You can sponsor me if you wish. My ‘charity’ is Gaylord Hospital. That is where my Jake learnt how to re-function after getting the cyst in his brain cut away. They taught him how to deal with his memory issues and all that fun stuff. He wrote about that here, if you want to read.

The other day, I was talking with Jake about how when I encounter words in books I generally just work out what it means from how they use the word and such. The problem with this is… the Babysitter’s Club books that I used to read would often talk about couscous. And I could tell it was food, but it seemed like it was soem form of meat. And my brain therefore thought it was a sloth or something like that. So clearly, the way I learn words is not good. I didn’t learn what it really was until I moved here.

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July 2, 2009

ryn: True. Just on the look out for you. Love the title. The MJ thing is odd. Could you explain blogathon? You just have to stay up 24 hours or what? Couscous? Oh and I don’t know if you know… but a MJ memorial will be at The Staples Center. Jermaine said that there is going to be more though so maybe one will be your way.

July 3, 2009

Baby sitters referee to cous cous? Musta missed those ones… I noticed the mj thing too. Carl always called him that so I picked up on it and have called him that for a few years, so when it was suddenly everywhere it was confusing…

July 3, 2009

We eat couscous.

July 3, 2009

I am so glad you managed to get the memorial magazine.

July 3, 2009

They’ve been showing video clips of Michael’s last rehearsal. Looks like it would have been a great show. I also read that the entire rehearsal was recorded and filmed so if they can work out who owns it, it may be released as a last album.

July 3, 2009

As soon as I read Gaylord I knew exactly what it was. I had one of those moments where I felt proud for remembering 🙂 I call him MJ because you have always called him that. But yeah, seems like the world is all doing it now. Have I told you how much I love Sara Snow’s book. Have you tried any of her recipes? http://www.sarasnow.com/recipes/index.html

I used to read those books religiously and I don’t remember them mentioning couscous…though it’s been awhile!