Hard-core golfin’ dinosaur
I got soap in my eye. I think it was soap anyway. It HURTS. Although I don’t know if it is now hurting because of soap, or because of water. Water hurts just as much as anything else that has ever gone in my eye. And I can’t make myself cry it out today. Have to wait for Jake to go to work and not be so cute and funny. And by then it will be gone.
Although the eye thing is really nothing, compared to the fact that my bottom teeth, the front 6, feel like they are moving. And judging by which one of them is poking out, I think I am getting the beginnings of a wisdom tooth back there. Nowhere near the point of breaking through, but still. My teeth move too much. Stupid annoying things.
Today for dinner we made up some yummy chicken meatballs and threw them with some pasta. Was yum, even though some of the meatballs disintergrated. Mmm… stuff.
We went to the store today, and I was complaining that I can never find the box of meringues anymore. Last time I saw them I didn’t want them. And had never seen them since. Until I mentioned it. And then TADA! There they were. And they are yummy. Jake likes them just as much as I do, which is good, because they are not quite as good as aus-ones.
title: I can’t link to it, for some reason the august old comics aren’t up yet. But here is where I found it… yesterday.
AWWW. ;.; I haaate when that happens, evil soapness. ;.; *cuddle hugs* ;.; (snc. I totally force cry-outs too when I feel like there’s something in my eye.) The meringues were looking for you. They missed you and felt rejected ’cause you didn’t want ’em last time. squee. 🙂 BUTT!
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