Chicken thigh flamage
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Time: 1:30am
Hours left: 7.5 hours left…
Jenn reminded me of another marathon-type thing I used to do when I was younger. The 40 hour famine, for World Vision. I never raised much money for it, but it was kinda fun.
It would go from 8pm Friday till midday on Sunday. so a lot of it could be slept through. I usually started late, because back then, Friday nights meant Dad and the boys coming home with Maccas. Cheeseburger and Oreo mcflurry for me. mmmm goodness. So I usually started about 15 minutes late… heh.
The first year I did it, mum had told me not to so I had to be sneaky. Ended up having to have a few bites of bread (I remember sneaking a slice of bread in my wardrobe and devouring it, that might have been another year though?) …
Saturday evening I would go to Carli’s house to sleep over, coz she was doing it as well. Sometimes Jenn (an maybe even Ellen??) stayed too. But we were the ones not eating. So when there was a Jenn, she would be snacking away and we’d be dying of hunger. One year at midnight we shared a teddybear biscuit (lol) and another we had some weird cheezel glob that was at the bottom of the packet (that must’ve been the year Jenn was there too). It was so bad, and I don’t like cheezels as it is! But we ate it… coz we were starving.
Twas always a weird experience. Sneaking tiny bits of really… not good food. Because we were so hungry. One of us would be dying, and would convince the other that it would be ok if we both cheated lol
And then once it was midday on the Sunday, Carli’s mum would get us Maccas (she’d get it so it would be at home with us at the right time, very sweet) and we’d devour it and go back to living life normally. 🙂
I’m glad this chair rocks. Motion is nice. And yes, I have resorted to quoting myself for titles.
40 Hour Famine was a little too easy for me. Although I never had people being inconsiderate and stuffing their faces in front of me, I’d just stay in my room all weekend lol.
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i dont remember that. ah well, I was often an arse. -Jenn
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hmmm… i dunno if i ever did 40 hour famine with you and Carli. I only did it twice I think. And the first year I stayed at Nicole’s. And she had to eat some bread cause she hurt herself at baseball the day it started and had to take painkillers that needed non-empty stomach… and I think she convinced me to have a bit too. Cause it was the nummy just warmed up bake-at-home rolls and it smelledtoo good. Dunno where I was the second time…
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It’s okay you quoted yourself. Chicken thigh flameage is downright HILARIOUS!! I couldn’t stop giggling earlier, rofl…I’m weird. :3 *dances*
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