finger-snappy poopy-pants

Today has been an insanely long-feeling day. I think my brain melted. Maybe that’s what the puddle on the floor is. haha

Woke up at 9am and we had to have a shower and get ready to leave for the day of adventuring. I was so glad there was a Jake coz I just had to not resist and he pulled me out of bed and pretty much dragged my sleepy butt to the shower. Coz he is SO freaking awesome like that! I am a lucky one.

And then the shower made me weak coz I hadn’t eaten so afterwards I got all dry and went back to bed for half hour. mmmm warm bed.

We left for adventuring with Lisa. Went to the bank where she deposited a bucnh of checks into our account that is in her name. And then we went off to New Haven to the hospital-place so Jake coudl get an MRI thing done. Gah they took forever! First it seemed they had almost forgotten us, coz the appointment was at 11:45, and we were there 15 minutes early like good peoples. He didn’t go into the other room-place till 12:30-12:45. And then we sat around for ages being bored. I got so bored I watched Passions (which made no sense… Whitney and Chad are married? Last I saw they were brother and sister…) but then the Jake was free from the clutches of the giant metal donut! At 3pm. By that stage my ass was numb, my back hurt and my brain was liquid. I’m glad I wasn’t around for the whole brain surgery stuff, not only would it have been scary and evil, but all that waiting around in waiting rooms? Would not have been good.

So we left the hospital place (going back tomorrow to get the ‘results’ – I finally get to see my husbands brain!!! wonder if I could take a photo of it? *thinky beard*) and headed to Waterbury to go to the social security office. We got there at 10 to 4, and it was closing at 4. It was a good thing, we got a number, there were a few people in front of us, we were the last people there. So it got quieter and quieter as we waited, and then I handed over stuff, waited 5 minutes, and got a receipt saying I shall have my card in the mail in 2 weeks! Yay! Lisa says we’re gonna celebrate that once it gets here. Don’t know how. Maybe by getting me a bank account and drivers license? heh

There was an adorable little girl staring at us while we were waiting, sitting on the so comfy chairs at the place. She kept struggling to put her jacket on, and then would spy the other jacket (that belonged to her brother) and take her one off and try to put the other one on. Was cute. Plus, half the time she was staring at Jake in a "whoa he’s a giant!" kind of way.

I love how Jake gets that kid-wantee look when he spots cute children. Coz it means I have someone to share the wantee-ness with. Waiting a few years sucks.

Hmm… we got home, starving. Coz we hadn’t eaten all day. Jake made yummy pasta and we finalyl got fed at 5:30pm. That was my first eats for the day, not counting two werther’s originals coz I was coughing up a storm at the MRI place. (they are like cough drop things, only made of sugar for the purpose of being made of sugar! mmm)

heh, when I went to feed the fishies, they were both staring straight at me from the middle of the bowl. It was freaky to see Sandwich do that, but when I saw Shazbot was doing the same thing, it was just funny.

It’s milo time!

title: There is a good reason for that, I swear! Last night in my crazyness, I was snapping my fingers and singing "and then I pooped my pants" over and over. Not that I pooped myself, coz I didn’t. But I’m weird.

Heh, also last night, we didn’t get to sleep till 2am coz I was in hyper-mode and singing weird songs. About nipples and Jake being a butt and… there was another I think. I need to get a mic thing so I can record them onto the puter. For now they are all on my phone.

Although that’s assuming you all would want to hear my weird songs. My new ones anyways, I don’t know where the old ones are. Gotta find them. Coz dammit… oo I’m swirly!

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April 2, 2007

hehe dont worry im sure we would all listen to you singing what games are coming out? this is whati think of whenever i hear soap operas.. that and the main actor is one of my heros.. cause.. he has…acting………TALENT!!!!!!!!!!! Chris

April 3, 2007

crazy fun day! 🙂 *hugs*

April 5, 2007

Yay you got a receipt. So glad you didn’t really poop your pants. hehe just thought of the comedy thing on tv about special poop in your pants undies where the old dears have bottoms about as wide as a car.