My pockets hurt

I am all snotty and sneezy and sleepy and its a pretty crappy combination. But on top of all that, I feel good and have had a pretty awesome day 😀

Got woken up this morning at…. 11:30, by Ellen asking if we wanna hang out and have nachos. Duh, yes. So mmm nachos. I was exhausted and it was very hard to get out of bed, but it was sooo worth it.

She came and got us (I had enough time to get up, get dressed, and read all my updated faves!) and we went and bought nacho ingredients and chocolate and then we went back to her place and made the nachos  and watched some taped new simpsons.

The nachos totally rocked. MMMMMMMMMM

Then we watched a bunch of carp on tv, with Huey and Amazing Race, and a bunch of Simpsons, in there for some non carpness. That reminds me… El, it was season 1. 😀 (and the guido, apparently, "inspired by thier dog" lol) It was some oollld tv.

Then we got boreded and went driving and ended up playgrounding and then we were brought home.

At home, I went straight to bed coz was tireds, and didn’t get up till Jake came and told me it was 6:30 🙂 So that was nice, didn’t miss any Neighbours. And it was some GOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDD sleep. 😀

Now its pokemon time. heh

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July 25, 2006

wow, season 1 amazing race. its weird for its lack of phil. i read nachos as nandos, and i thought you’d had nandos after you saw me. weird.

July 25, 2006

I missed neighbours tonight 🙁 Stupid ooni.

July 25, 2006

Poor you but sounds fun =] xx

July 26, 2006

Come on Sez, gimme some nachos 🙂 please 🙂 Ot I could be invited to dinner and join you all *blink* 😉 Hehe, nacho sounds like… I’ve never tried it 🙂 Sure delicious if Sez likes nachos so much mmmm I’m goin out for lunch now and I’m gonna search the town for nachos! *taking all money to buy giant amoun of nachos* Mmm… Love you! :o)