My baby cow keeps twitching…

Today has been a nice relaxing day. Cept for the start.

Got woken up by the front door slamming, saw kitty ZOOM past my bedroom. It turns out Matty slammed the door behind him and hit the cat in the process. And wouldn’t even say "oops" or anything. He’s such a bastard. So kitty was terrified, it took a lot of coaxing tonight to get her to come in to eat a bit of food. But all is good now.

Talked to the Jake one this afternoon, not for very long but that’s coz I got up late. He leaves at 9:30am my time tomorrow morning…. then 24 hours later he shall be here with me! YAY!!

After talking to Jake, I went to bed to read coz I had nothing else to do, and reading put me to sleep very quickly. I should move this lamp back to my room and read myself to sleep tonight, it seems to be rather effective again.

Had the most disgusting beans and egg on toast that I’ve ever had. I don’t know what Petie did but he somehow managed to stuff up every step. And he usually does it good.

Petie was saying how he is going to be sensible for a whole month… til he ‘found out’ that Jake is staying here for 2 and a half months. He really doesn’t pay attention to anyone a lot of the time. But he’s very excited to meet Jake. As is mum. And everyone else who knows he is coming.

Tomorrow is going to be such a housework-and-bludge day. Oh yeah, gotta wash my pjs, they covered in bean mess. Stupid messy dinner.

Now to find something for me to do….


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February 19, 2006

I think for something to do you should paint yourself rainbow colours and take up living statue status. It’s quite good fun i’m told. I think Tom would be EXCELLENT as a living statue. I shall paint him black. *hums Rolling Stones* No more almond croissants for me… they’re turning me quite mad.

February 19, 2006

woo hoo for you! ONE DAY!! 😀 😀 😀

February 19, 2006

YAY for Petie’s Jake excitement!!! Ugh go get that beaned mess off you! YAY for the lamp that makes you sleep! Now if it has a genie inside you’re all set! 🙂 WOOT! 24 hours huh?! E.X.C.I.T.I.N.G!!!!!!!!!!!!! *hugs* 🙂

February 19, 2006

Big smiles for the brainmates!!! and happy countdowns!

February 19, 2006

Sez and the kitty..awww. what an adorable Headbutt. How come the Sez does not leave notes on the Jan’s journal anymore?… maybe cause the Jan is lazy and doesn’t leave enough on the Sez’s…aww, I’m sorry, Sheepstank…I love you! *ubings and squish sheepie hugs*