It’s almost the month I want it to be…
Our toilet spider has returned. (it doesn’t live in the toilet, just in the toilet room) It’s black and medium sized and I wish I could remember the name Jenn gave it. Mum thought Jenn used to be scared of it, but Jenn loved that spider, twas Skye that was so scared she’d make Matty go in the room and watch the spider so she’d be safe. Weird girl.
So I weirded people out yesterday with my weird title? heheh All it was was that I had tied my jumper around my waist, and the arm bits jenn called a groin beard. =) Very innocent lol I meant to explain it in the entree, but I forgotted…
This afternoon I watched House of 1000 Corpses and fell asleep during it.
Woke up just after 7:30 and thought it was Sunday and so Smallville was on. But I was a day off, so that sucked.
oooh *listens to MJ beatboxing* =)
hehe its a kitty! *marvels the Headbutt in the doorway* and now I’m being sat on. Or not. Fickle kitty. lol
My ear is achy and poppy and annoying, but meh. It’ll go away eventually. My ear is kinda swollen or something too, the headphone thing wouldn’t fit well.
do doooo
umm… oooh, we had french toast for dinner. Twasnt great, my mouth didn’t like the taste of the tomato sauce. I wanna try french toast as a breakfasty thing, with something sweet on it. Sounds interesting.
Gotta try and get Roswell season 3 soon. Jenn wants to see if before she goes away, and I want it dammit! Big deal that I’m leaving my dvds behind in May, I’ll get them back eventually and then I can be all "oooooh"
I don’t really need number 3, I just wanna see baby Zan again, coz I don’t remember those eps well. Nor the ones with Max being old man and such. Or Jesse (who moved on from Isabel and went to CSI Miami lol) ok I’ll shut up.
Obviously I have nothing to write. So I’ll stop. And do something, I don’t know, meht.
Just over 3 weeks!!!!!!
heheh its a wormy!
french toast is so yummy with butter and maple syrup… I’ve never heard of it with tomato sauce, interesting.
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I’m the spider is back! That ‘groin’ title is funny! Jenn must keep you laughing!!! Glad it’s that much closer to your ‘happy time’ lol that is one cute WORMY! Hope your ear feels better soon! Pls get it checkout out b/c ear things are GROSS!!! *many mega hugs* 🙂
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Headbutt sounds so cute. I want to pet her. You can’t out-confuse me! BUAHAHAHAHAHA! I’m Stinkanacious, remember? XD Oh, btw, in response to your Q. Were you the Sarah that said this on le petition? That’s what made me believe you liked le Danny. *is in next note cos Opendiary is evil*
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“I support this petition because Danny Phantom is one of the rare cartoons that I watch, I normally hate cartoons but this one hooked me from the beginning. This is a great show & it deserves another season.” oh, and you cracked me up something terrible with the arse-rumblingness. XD
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just how BIG is that toilet spider? Have you ever seen a cane spider (Hawaii) they are the biggest and super UGLY, dark grey! xxx
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