in a fog of… fogginess

I’m not happy today. But it’s all in my head, I know that. That’s not the point though.

I was utterly bored once Jake went to sleep. Watched tv, felt too tired to do that, but trying to sleep I felt like I was wasting my time. So I watched Savage Garden dvd, and fell asleep.

I woke up all gross and sweaty. I don’t like hot weather.

Mums been hounding me all day, and all yesterday, because I’m not eating enough. I have been eating, she just didn’t see it, and so therefore I haven’t consumed anything since 3 days ago.

My mind is filled with stupid thoughts and I don’t like it. So I’m not gonna write anymore. I’ll go do surveys or something. Cheesy needs new cheese or she’ll lose her… cheesiness?

mmm cheese.

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January 18, 2006

You could steal my survey from my last entry, but it’s only 10 questions and not worthy of your usual cheesiness! But if you’re bored… Lianne Marie xXx

January 18, 2006

Parents just LOVE to bug us about our eating habits! lol I hope you are happy and healthy!!! *huggles* 🙂

*hands you some super cool cheese* ok now! You won’t lose any more cheesiness, ha my new word! Where do you live that its so hot? its cold here….bbbrrrrrrrrr *shivers* xxx

95F? OMG thats brutal. So whose gg to see who? Conn. or Aussyland? Do you want to go freeze in Conn.? I put our sheets in the freezer in the summer and before I go to bed I take them out and put them on the bed…ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, try it. I actually spray them with lavender water then freeze them. It feels great! Hope you cool down with all that cheese! xxx