Shane hides his shame
So today I had a pretty awesome time with the Jenn.
This morning I woke up to noone but a cat in the house. So mmm… quiet. And now I have sparkly pink nails, instead of silly chipped shiny blue ones.
Jenn and I went to see The Producers at NoFlan. Twas enjoyable, and shiny, and such. We should really stop going to new movies on a Tuesday, means for packed cinema and crowd and not so good.
After the movie (midniiiight) we went to catch the last 2 trains of the evening, but we got distracted. SHANE the shame-hiding truck drove past, and so Jenn JUMPED in the car (she was about to start smoking) and we followed him. We’d been saying for ages that next time we saw him we’d stalk him. And we did! We went a loooong way through windy hilly roads, struggled to keep up to a truck going 100 on an 80 road that I don’t know well. Ended up in the yarra ranges and I just gave up and went back home. Twas quite off course!
On the way back, Jenn was complaining about a lack of wildlife. Around the next corner I saw a fox climb an embankment, and then about 30 seconds later there were 2 foxes on the road, one was THISCLOSE to getting run over by the Hoj. Jenn mentioned the dead ‘possum’ we ran over the other day, and how traumatised that made us. But… it wasnt a possum. It was a kangaroo, or a really big dog or something. NOT a possum!
And then at Wattle Glen statione, there was another fox, with a very straight tail.
I’m very tired now, and my mouth hurts, and my eyes feel HUGE so I’m gonna brush my teeth and go to bed and enjoy being asleep because it is a fun way to be. GOOD NIGHT!
Hello sunshine! Have a great day today! xxx
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*hugs* I hope you feel better soon! 🙂
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Man.. you have alot of petrol to waste lol
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