Chicken Tonight! Tomorrow… I’m beef!
Today, Jenn made a cubby/fort in her lounge room. So I went over to play in it in the evening, after she’d finished sleeping in it. I so have to make me one in my room somewhere. Twas too fun. I LOVE being a kid still!!
Then we went train stalking, which was fun. I like when the train goes speedy. It’s all *woosh* like.
The Connex man didn’t wave back when Jenn waved at him as we were leaving the statione. Then we reminisced about Ali and the other Connex dude who thought we were undercover police going to report him to immigration or something. Cept we always say "undercover plumber" coz when he was saying we were undercover, we were sitting out the windows of the Hoj, and I had annoyingly low pants. hehh
Then we went Safeway, scored multiple bags of creme eggs (mmmmmmm) and went to Cheddy Rd to watch the boom gates go down. There are 6 at this interesection, 2 groups of 3 that go down like a triangle. So freakin cool!
The Wonder White truck went down Breadway. It was supplying Breadway with bread!!!
And then we stalked AGAIN!
At our public toilets, Jenn was all being silly and said "I have a pee in my pee-ness, but I’m a girl, so its a girl-penis… a geenis!" heheehehe not good to hear such funny when you need to pee.
In Jenn’s driveway I went stupid, and don’t remember any of my stupid, I just know I wasn’t making sense, I was leaving words out, and all that jazzy-jazz. And then I walked back to the car, jigging like a chicken to wake my brain up a bit for the drive home and Jenn called me chicken tonight! So… as title says… I replied with "and tomorrow im BEEF!"
mmm beef…
This morning I woke up to a Headbutt. She then fell asleep on my stomach, and I snuck out from under her and she stayed asleep. Then many hours later when Jake had gone to bed and I was sleepy, I went back to bed and she was still fast asleep, and I didn’t wake her up with my returning. And when she finally did wake up, she just walked up and rested in my armpit. So cute. I love having a kitty!
*edit* too funny!
Excellent cartoon!!!
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yay lots of writing! yay 😀
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