Check out the arse on that brain!
Yesterday afternoon, after talking to Jake and getting the majority of the stuff ready to send to him done, I went to No-Flan.
Bought myself some nice black sandals, which I was proud of coz whenever I go to buy shoes I don’t get ANYTHING. I also got some fluffy red and black striped socks for the Jenn (for her bday/going to ireland gift) and I checked movie times coz the Jenn invited me to movies later.
Then went to Greensie, got some passport-type photos done (turned out rather well, even if i am kinda orange lol) and some stamps and investigated other things that I needed to do. And that all took me 3 hours, in VERY HOT weather, surrounded by idiots. I really don’t like shopping. I do like freaking people out when they hear my message tone go off. It’s Vincent Price laughing at the end of Thriller. Seriously, weirds people out! =D
We had plum pudding and custard…. for dinner. :O I made it too. Twas yummy. Then I went and stole and Jenn and we went to see Rumour Has It. It was ok, Jenn and I found the randomest things funny, especially when a guy a few seats away from us coughed or something and it sounded like a bark! hehehehe
Then we went train stalking, after we went shopping for MASS amounts of junk. 3 energy drinks each (despite the fact they say only 2 a day…) and some coffee milk and a bottle of Coke Zero, just to see how bad it was. It tasted just like pepsi. Twas sooo gross.
Twas raining so instead of playgrounding we just went to Jenns and watched House of Wax and Zoolander. My title is from the extras of Zoolander, at some point he says something about how can the brain be the sexiest part of a person, because you never hear them say ^^^^^^^
Oooh… Jenn had these awesome sweet chilli flavoured chips. SO GOOD! They were all hot, but not too bad, and was mmmm…
After our mass attack of gas for both of us (2 energy drinks and all the coke zero = MASS BUBBLES) and lots of jumping up and down and burping and otherwise gassing to release pressure, we cracked a whole pile of glow sticks, covered ourselves in them, and went random driving, out in the LOTS of rain! Very smart. But hey, it was 4:30am.
So Jenn called AT, who was woken up (duh) and so we went to hang out with him, and have fun being all glowy and watching carp on tv till about 8am.
Then Jenn and I went to Bilo to get some creme eggs, then to Greensie to have maccas for breakfast, then shopping for a bit, then I took Jenn home and came home myself, had a shower to get rid of my stinky smoky smell, and now I’m typing this when I should be writing stuff and then puttting a bunch of stuff in an envelope and taking it to the mail box and going *mail*
At maccas, I had hotcakes. They were like eating sponge. Or a wettex, as Jenn put it. But it seems to be our thing, stay up all night being stupid, and then go have maccas for breakfast. I didn’t eat all my food, I ended up making goop. Chopped the remaining hotcakes into small pieces, covering them in the butter I had, pouring the rest of my coke onto that, and some of Jenns coffee and juice and some sugar and strawberry jam and vegemite and then I put that all into my drink cup and… Jenn tasted it. And regretted it. Apparently it tasted like death and ass.
And then I had a Cherry Ripe sundae, and it was pretty sickening so I only ate half, then Jenn poured some coffee in, told me to try it once I had stirred it all up, and I ended up drinking half of that coz it was good for a few seconds….
I got home to find a Headbutt asleep on my couch. Cutie, all curled up, and even kinda looking like shes’s sucking her "thumb" lol
I am REALLY FREAKIN TIRED! And there is a Jake online now. So that’s awesome. Makes me happy to talk to him. Coz you know, I love him and stuff.
Jenn just sent me a message that she sent to her man at about 4am this morning…
"It’s morning! And im shiny! Love you too even though youre not shiny! and you know what? sez loves jake and he is not shiny either! sez has a shiny tail!"
I SO had a tail. Of glowing links. Twas awesome. I miss it.
RYN: i would recommend trying to buff them up a little bit.. give them a brief back ground of the two of you, talk about your holiday there, and talk about how things will be when he moves there, including where he will live, how will he be supported. Dont be affraid to bore them.. lol The more you write the more it seems like your putting effort into it
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I also recommend that you apply for a working visa at the same time, that means it will be quicker for him to work, rather then having to wait 6-12months it should only take 3-6months.
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a tail! you lucky thing. and yay! msn. and yay, the days before squidy comes are fast approaching. yay! 🙂
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check out the brain on that arse! yayayayayahahahhaha Pressie for la jenn sounds gooooood Byesz! zxzxxx
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