And it seems I can’t speak… but I can type!

Many many times today, Jenn has had to get me to repeat things multiple times because she couldn’t understand a word of what I was saying. Which is amusing, but also annoying.

It was REALLY HOT today. I’d guess 37? Yeah. So I’m all hot and near-sweaty at 4am, it’s still quite hot. Dunno what it’s like outside, but I’m not gonna check. I’m too scared of the dark to just open the wooden door and stand there with the protection of the wire door locked in front of me.

I have blister-type things on my hands, one on the palm of each hand, right under the middle finger. So it hurts to open any kind of bottle. Not too fun.

This morning I woke up in my bed, confused, because the last thing I remembered was laying on the couch at 3am waiting for the washing machine to finish. Had to ask Jenn what happened, and she said I just disappeared at some point, didn’t say I was going to bed. I’d assumed that she’d half-woken me and ordered me to bed, that’s what other people do when I fall asleep or almost do. I’m very obedient when not awake.

I just finished watching season 1of Nip/Tuck. And I was highly amused, on the special features bit with the interviews of the actors, Julian McMahon had an Australian accent. I know that he is Australian, but I’ve never heard him with the accent before. Twas so entertaining. I love that I can hear my own accent when I watch American shows. Can’t hear it on aussie shows. So ya, entertaining.

Ice cream at 3am is so awesome. An entire bag of liquorice allsorts is not. Those things now taste like liquorice and butter. Not nice. But I wanna keep eating them! Hence the water bottle next to me.

We (Natey, Jenn and I) had KFC for dinner. I like hanging out with my Natey, even if it’s just a quick drive to the KFC and back, when he’s around I’m hyper and babbly and it’s just plain fun. I love my brother.

Got to see Matty and Skye briefly today too. Even though they were being annoying, standing next to me and yelling at each other (they both are LOUD talkers), it was still good. I think I’ve gone crazy if I think that’s good.

I don’t know why my family find it so amazing that I notice instantly if they get a haircut. Just because they wouldn’t notice if I got 15cm (6inches) chopped off my hair doesn’t mean I won’t notice a slight trim.

I’m incredibly gassy tonight. I shall blame the mass amount of liquorice I have consumed.

I’m wide awake. Bah. At least when Jenn was here the last 2 nights, I had someone to sit around and talk to and watch dvds with at 4:30am. Now, no one. I’m all alone. But not totally alone, Natey is home, so I can’t play my music loud, sing even louder, and walk around in the nude.

When Headbutt visited today, I gave her some milk that past its expiry date 3 days ago. It was lumpy and icky, but she drank (and chewed) it all up. And enjoyed it. Weird cat. But then she does choose to try and eat sock fluff over pineapple, and dust/hair over cookies.

I want some cookies.

I meant to make muffins when Jenn was here, but I completely forgot. Oh well, another time. Maybe when she comes to move all her ‘crap’ out of my room and back to her house, I can make muffins. I need an excuse to make them. Or not really, but its something my mind says I need, or else I will constantly eat, or not eat at all. No real happy medium. My watch is shiny.

I’m tired, but not enough that my brain is telling me to go to bed. I’m just at the point where I know that if I went to bed, I would sleep, but I could also choose to stay awake for a few hours (maybe) and I’d be wide awake still. This is the problem with parents leaving me alone like this, I don’t have to worry about waking them up with the tv, or them criticising me for staying up till 6am, or any of that stuff. So I make the most of it, coz it rarely happens. This is the second time ever, and the last time was… 3 years ago. No that can’t be right… umm… christmas 2003. 2 years. Then me and the boys were left for 15 days just before christmas, and I was pretty incapable of sleeping, so ended up staying awake for 50 hours and such. And there was random ham thrown outside by Matty coz it had gone off, and he threw it onto the front doorstep, when it was 40 degrees outside, and the ham baked there. And stank apparently, but I had no sense of smell back then, so I didn’t know.

I’m too rambly when it’s the middle of the night. Too rambly and too gassy. I’m gonna propel myself out the room soon. That would be quite amusing…


^^^ my mums word for sausages. I also call them that, as does Jenn now. She knows things like that about me and my family. We are odd ones.

I’m so sick of waiting. But I think (I hope) I only have to wait about 8 weeks. Jenn’s engagement party is on 25/02 (mummy’s birthday!) and we are both gonna try as hard as we can to make it so the whole brain is there. Then I won’t have to wait anymore. That is how I want to be. Complete.

Should I stop rambling? I think I should. And I think I should go to bed, or something. I need to learn to listen to my body when it is sleepy and hungry and such.

Oooh, Jenn and I went train stalking today, and the second time, when we got to the middle station (there is a stop between where we start and the end of the line) I thought the train was being too fast but Jenn thought it had just left. So we had to drive up a bit, then turn back, then find the train, then keep stalking. It’s a good thing that when driving next to the train we go at 50km/h, but the roads speed limit is 80. Makes catching up like that very easy.

Ok, no more words. I’m gonna go start season 2 of one of my favouritest shows, and then talk to Jake when he gets home from work, or go to bed, depends how I feel at the time. =D hehee time is a funny word.

Hope you’re all doing well. *peace signs and smiley fishes* Jake, why would you never sign off a note with that? Twould be so amusinating!

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December 27, 2005

It freaks me out when I watch American films or sitcoms and they have an English person starring. I’m like “Stop it! We don’t sound like that! You sound like an utter twit! You’re putting it on!!!” Lianne Marie xXx

December 27, 2005


December 27, 2005

your entries crack me up.. lol I’m the same way when i watch an american show and they have an australian actor in it.. House cracks me up that way, makes me wonder if thats how i sounded when i was in the states.. lol 8 weeks aint too far away… 53days for me.. *sigh*

December 27, 2005

8 weeks 🙂 Looking at the date it seems SO short but then I realise Jonny is coming on the 14 Jan and that feels like FOREVER away. Gah 🙂

December 27, 2005

53 days seems shorter because well each day it gets shorter.. where as i have to wait a whole 7 days for the week total to reduce.. lol I think once its Jan first and i can say I will be there again next month.. i’ll be one happy camper 😀 Have you got a set date yet for his visit?

December 28, 2005

oooh.. same time as my visit over there again. thats awesome 😀 I wish my Jake could come here.. damn him work for not giving him more then 1 week off at a time..grrr

December 28, 2005

ryn: right you are! thank you for the correction!

December 28, 2005

RYN: *grins* Team America quoting… LOVE IT! “Rumpus Cat and Macavity kept feeling up my leg. I tried to leave but Rumpleteazer held me down and… I was raped by Mr. Mistoffelees.” HAHAHAHAHAHHHHAAAAHH! Lianne Marie xXx