carrots make good mini-icepacks

I am cold. And my stomach hurts.

Yesterday I could hardly stop sneezing. Kept going crazy-sneezes of at least 10 in a row, many times. Painful. So painful. Now the thought of sneezing scares me, because each sneeze makes my lungs feel like they are BURNING and it makes me taste blood.

Die, evil hayfever time. DIE


In other news… I have no other news. I haven’t been getting paid for housework for at least 3-4 weeks now, because I don’t do it. I can’t do it. Because if I do, the next 2 days will be hayfever-so-bad-I’m-bedridden.

I just wanna go to bed and read, but I finished my book yesterday so I don’t know what to read now.

Maybe I can find some highly entertaing visa information, print that off and read that in bed. Cept I think I’ve read all the measly amount of stuff that’s online.


My lip is annoying me, it was a pimple, then that went away and then it went BAM now we’re a coldsore. So I’ve got  this hard crusty thing on my lip and I want to cut it off. Or rip it off. If it was any other part of my body I would. Not the face.

My eyes are itchy.

I want juice.

I was thinking last night of doing another random fact entree, just coz. I might do that later…

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December 15, 2005

hmmm I hope your boredom and such goes away!!! Hopefully you can get the moola soon! *hugs* wheeeeee to random facts! 1. arwen likes strawberries! haha maybe that will keep you entertained! NOT lol *poke poke* 🙂

December 15, 2005

ohhhh i would like to second the notion that hayfever should die a horrid and painful death!!! cept i can’t not do housework so I must put up with the sneezing… argh. visa information. *snort* why they don’t put up allllll the sordid details is beyond me!!! there is so much RED RED TAPE that it makes me sick! don’t bother with websites… they suck assssssss!