It’s like chewing, but with your hands!

I’m so lazy, I haven’t written an entree since Saturday! well, its not so much lazy as just… I don’t want to write. Wait, that’s lazyness. Fucking rambling.

Ok… Sunday. We went to Senor Panchos for dinner (in the afternoon, so its like yeah) and that was good coz it was mexican and it made me happy coz I love mexican. i had chicken fajitas and they were good and i enjoyed them a lot and… yeah.but there was no cheese or SALSA. there has to be salsa dammit! i need a sauce to go on my chicken and coz i dont touch sour cream or guacamole so salsa it is!

I know majority of you read this from Jake’s diary already, but yeah, I do not care so =P

I just spent 20 minutes going back in my entries and reading the amusing ones aloud to Jake. It’s so funny how many of my titles are absolutely fucking random. And I’ve realised I need to explain titles in EVERY entree, so when I look back I will understand because most of the time I don’t remember why!

Bah, I’m rambling, I’m farting and I’m going crazy on the fumes. Or something less gross.

This family is cool. I do a massive burp and whoever hears it will go WELL DONE! or something. Makes me grin coz its so weird. The other day, Matt (Jake’s stepdad) said my burp was "definitely the best he had ever heard" …that was cool LOL cept that I’ve heard him say that about crappy burps about 3 other times.

So… after Senor Panchos, we went across the street to a new supermarket type place. It was awesome! As soon as I walked in I saw these awesome biggish tiger toy things, they looked well made and they were fun and I just kept standing there going ROAR and making their paws move around and such. Was fun. We also found these "instant farm" and "instant zoo" and such  things in the toy aisle. They were just pill things that you put in water and they wil turn into aminals or whatever. So cool, but they only do it once! For me to buy something like that they would need to turn back into pill form after a few hours so I can do it all over again.

What else was amusing there… the halloween stuff! There was a whole aisle of awesomeness that had me running arounnd like a kid and giggling at. And then I stopped and stared coz there was orange and black striped toe socks. they looked awesome. But I didn’t get coz I had no money. Bah. They would’ve been cool.

Monday/Tuesday we did nothing but sit around, complain about the lack of food, watch Food Network (really… a very bad idea when so very food-deprived!) and…. *looks innocent*

Today we jsut got completely SICK of having nothing in the house to eat, so we waited till about 3 for Kristen to come home but she DIDNT so we walked to the grocery store (the less-better one, but the good one is kind of impossible to walk to…) It was RAINING so we got all rained on. We went to the bank and I was all "oooh this thing would accept my bank card! woot!" but it was broked so I have no american cash yet (is it odd that I have been here for 2.5 weeks and haven’t had to use my money once?) and so we just went to the store and got good things like cereal and sushi and more apple juice (with big bird on the bottle of course!) and then we walked home and got home completely and utterly drenched to the bone.

My shoes were so drowned, so I took them off in the bathtub… and they left blackness everywhere! The soles of my feet were like black as. Sucky ass shoes. I think Lisa (Jake’s mummy) is gonna like… drag me shoe shopping. lol

So tried to warm up under the blanket (hard to do when my hair is drowned!) and we had our sushi lunch …hehehe eating in bed is cool, and not messy. It took me 3 HOURS to stop being cold, and then I got really really hot LOL

10 minutes till more food network, and dinner (raisin bran at 10pm? mmmm late night foodage)

I have multiple nicknames here, and they are all animal related. Kristen calls me Pengi. Jake calls me Monkey Butt (so random!) and Lisa calls me Monkey Toes. Coz I have monkey toes. They are purple-nailed now, I got bored so I painted them.

This morning I got up before Jake (which was weird, but he had been up and gone to the gym while I was sleeping so it wasnt THAT weird…) and came to find on LJ that Jenn had written an entree. It made me cry SO MUCH! I miss her terribly. I don’t really miss my family much, but Jenn… I really really miss her. So I just crawled back in bed and cried for an hour till Jake woke up.

Some random things that have been said by brainmates these past few days:

Dont put your grandmother in a lawnmower

i like breathing

and the title. The title is the best one, dont you think?

Oh well, that’s the end of that chapter. I hope the next entree comes sooner than a whole many bunch of days, coz that way the task of entree-ing is a less daunting task.

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October 12, 2005

yes, read most of it via jake but its so cool to get the different perspectives. there was something else but i got distracted thinking about light globes.

October 12, 2005

Stripey toe socks? Shoe Shopping? Awesome! Lianne Marie xXx

October 13, 2005

😀 Doesn’t Jenn write on OD anymore?

October 13, 2005

More smilingness 😀