That’s Quack-tastic.

Why the fuck am I so exhausted? How can doing NOTHING make me want to sleep for 72 hours straight?

Tonight Jenn msged me and was all “wanna hang out?” so i was all ready and stuff and i had to wait AN HOUR for them to come get me. gar that annoyed me.

We went safeway and i got me creme eggs and a bag of milky ways. Safeway was kewl, it had these quacking ducks in eggs. I should’ve got me a purple one and such… but at a later date I shall have to. LOL it quacked. Ducks are funny. And then I could make it an eyepatch. And then it could be Duckbeard’s sidekick.. Whose name I cannot think of right now.

I just saw the clock click to a new day. That was kewl.

Then we randomed to Wollert and then to another safeway coz drinkables were needed.

My lip hurts. Stupid thing is being all huge. and w00t *rolls eyes* now i’ve made it bleed. A LOT more than I thought I had. Carp.

Dam I’ve got a headache too.

I want my Hoj back. Stupid place saying he’ll be back at the end of the week. THAT’S TOO LONG!!!! I’m sick of being trapped in this house with all these people. They all have cars, why don’t they all go out every day and leave me alone? *mini-pout*

Better go stop this bleeding lip….

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I choked on my M&M at the title of this entry. You could name Duckbeard’s sidekick… Uhm… Capt Duck Sparrow? lol@ lameness of that.

You can’t annoy me tomorrow, I won’t be home. I didn’t notice the time either. Bah.

And no, Sneep is Matthew’s now. -rolls eyes-

February 7, 2005

Lip bleed. and lip gloss

It’s not a horse, it’s a Krawk. Ha. đŸ˜›